Chapter 10: Memory Lane

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Just when Huey was waking up

Webby: Huey? Huey? 

Huey: Webby? Uncle Scrooge, are you okay!? 

Scrooge: I don't know...

Webby: What just happened? 

Huey: I think we're in the Portal of Memories. 

Webby: Wait, what? 

Huey: A portal that contains many memories from the past. 

Scrooge: But how did we get here? 

Huey: I just remember... this morning, Violet and I were do some research on the Door of Portals. Then, I notice the Beagle Boys heading into the Portal Door. Then, you 2 showed up and chased them into the hallway. And then, we landed here. 

Scrooge: That actually makes since. Where are those Beagle Boys anyway? 

Huey: Over there! 

Huey sees the Beagle Boys

Huey: Let's go! 

Huey, Webby and Scrooge land into a painting that leads into a memory lane of King Firydon

Huey: Huh? What memory lane is this? 

Scrooge: King Firydon... 

Webby: Shoot...

Huey: Why are they here? 

Then, Scrooge opens a door that brings all 3 of them into the memory

Scrooge: Huh? Where are we? 

Huey: Is that King Firydon? 

King Firydon: My friends... we are gathered here today to celebrate the death of Mikey Duckington! 

Tim Martin: We got the skull right here! 

Huey: Oh boy... is that my dad? 

Tim Martin: I was able to stab this guy in the back. 

King Firydon: Well, stabbing him in the back won't really work. I had a vision that one of his decedents will come and save the Island of Magic.

Tim Martin: What do we do? 

King Firydon: You are to serve Merlock and help him deal with this Duck! 

Tim Martin: Yes sir! 

Tim Martin leaves

King Firydon: As for the rest of you! You'll be working on how to get back to the overworld! And I'll be doing the same. 

Huey: That was King Firydon? 

Scrooge: Yup! 

Then, they leave the painting and go into another memory

Huey: Wow... is that Tim Martin

Mikey Duck: Tim, why are you doing this? 

Tim Martin: You took everything away from me! My chance of being Senior Woodchuck and everything else! Now you'll pay! 

Mikey Duck: It doesn't have to be this way!

Tim Martin: Too late...

Tim Martin stabs Mikey Duck in the back much to Huey's horror

Huey: Dad? 

Tim Martin: Goodbye...

Tim Martin walks and peals his skin off offscreen

Huey: Okay, that's gross.

Scrooge: Let's skip! 

Scrooge, Huey and Webby go into the next memory which as much more memory to King Firydon's plan

Huey: Huh? What's this? 

Scrooge: Uh... I think we should go? 

Lord Tark: We got everything listed sir, and just about a week, we'll be ready.

King Firydon: Good! Now all that's left we need to do, is to kill Scrooge and his family. 

Huey: What? 

King Firydon: Tim Martin couldn't kill him... it's time we do...

Huey: This ain't good. 

Scrooge: Let's go.

Scrooge, Huey and Webby leave the memory 

Huey: What's King Firydon planning to do? 

Scrooge: He's gonne wipe out all duck life in this world. 

Huey: Wait, what makes you think that? 

Webby: We... sorta figured it out when we went into the Portal of the Evil. 

Huey: You what!? Guys! The portal is off limits for a reason! Wait, did you guys knew about the attack all along? 

Scrooge: Yeah...

Huey: Well, you guys could've just told me. 

Scrooge: We didn't wanna alarm you. We're sorry.

Huey: (sigh) Look, it's fine. But no more secrets please, we're a family. 

Violet: Hubert! 

Huey: Violet? What's going on? 

Violet: You've gone for hours and I gotten worried. Are you okay? 

Huey: I'm fine. But we need to go. King Firydon is back and is planning to do something horrible. 

Violet: Wait, seriously?

Big Time Beagle: That's right! 

Huey: Huh? 

Bouncer Beagle: And we're also involved. 

Scrooge: What? 

Big Time Beagle: The whole Tim Martin attack that happened a few years ago, that was all his. 

Huey: Are you serious? He's behind this? 

Burger Beagle: And once the week is up, we'll finally have all your money. He offered us gold for return in helping him take over the world. 

Huey: And you believe that!? C'mon! 

Big Time Beagle: And now, all we need is you guys outta the way! 

Huey: I don't think so! C'mon guys, let's go! 

Huey, Violet, Scrooge and Webby all leave the room just before the Beagle Boys can catch them. 

Huey: Few... that was close. 

Scrooge: Let's go! 

After they all left the Portal Door

Violet: Everyone okay? 

Huey: Yeah... I guess...

Violet: Hubert? 

Huey: Guys, King Firydon is coming back. We need to stop him. 

Webby: But what do we do? 

Huey: I'm going to the Island of Magic. I need to warn the Emperor. 

Scrooge: What? Are you crazy? 

Huey: You guys need to stay here and take care of the family. I'll be back. 

Violet: Hubert wait, I'm coming too. 

Huey: Violet...

Violet: Huey, I am not letting you go alone. I nearly lost you one time, don't make me lose you now. 

Huey: Very well. Take care guys. 

Huey and Violet leave the area with Scrooge and Webby worried and concerned 

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