Chapter 13: End of the Story (Part 2) (Series Finale)

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Well guys... this is it... the series finale. And unlike The Night Pride, there won't be a season 3 of Huey's Woodchuck Adventure since I don't really feel like making another season. 

But do not worry, I'll be making other stories like;

Minecraft Story Mode: The Animated Series - Season 2
The Loud House: It's New and Louder

Oh, and I'll also make a new story called; Return to Amphibia sometimes this month or next month.

Now, let's get down to the series finale, shall we?

In an unknown place, Huey was just resting until but then begins to wake up and sees that he's on an island with a Woodchuck Cabin nearby

Huey: Huh... where... where am I? 

Then, Huey goes inside the cabin

Huey: Um... hello? 

Huey sees on the stage somebody where a Woodchuck outfit and the person reveals to be none other than... 

Mikey: Hello there, son. 

Huey: Dad?!?

Mikey: (giggles) Huey isn't it? 

Huey: Y-ye-yes? 

Mikey: It's nice to finally meet you, 

Huey: Nice to meet you too... Wait, am I dead? I mean, I just sacrificed...

Mikey: (laughs) Oh... no. The gods actually saved you and brought you here. Your safe. Want a drink? 

Huey: No thanks. I'm good. So, where am I? 

Mikey: It's a crossworld between this one and many others. Even your world. 

Huey: So, why did the gods bring me here?

Mikey: Well, they wanted me to tell you how proud I am of you and your brothers. On how you kids accomplished all your days. Growing up with your Uncle Donald and saving the world many times with your great Uncle Scrooge. You even did somethings I never even accomplished. 

Huey: Wow... thanks... I... uh... I don't what to say. 

Mikey: There's no need to.

Huey: Well... guess my is over now... is it? 

Mikey: Well... not yet. 

Huey: What do you mean? 

Mikey: Well... I can tell your world is still gonna need protection and... well, the gods all agreed for you to live the rest of your lives with your family and friends.

Huey: Wait, really? 

Mikey: Yes. The same goes for your brothers. And give your mother my regards. Spending a life with her was the best adventure for me.

Huey then comes up and hugs his father before he leaves

Huey: Thanks dad... 

Mikey: No problem son. Now, you better get going. You have 80 years to go...

Huey: Um, okay. Bye dad. 

Huey then goes through the door heads back to the land of the living with father looking at him proudly

Mikey: Bye son... 

Then, Huey wakes up from his "dead"

Huey: Wow... I'm back... 

Then, Huey looks around to look for his family

Huey: Um, hello? 

Violet: Hubert? 

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