Chapter 8: Legend of the Powerful Diamond

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In the McDuck Bin, Scrooge was putting the Diamond of Legendary in a secret room in the Bin

Huey: Wow... I didn't even know this room even existed. 

Louie: You sure like to keep secrets from your family, don't you Uncle Scrooge? 

Scrooge: Well, it's for the safety of this family. I can't just allow anything bad to happen here. 

Huey: I can understand that.

Dewey: So, why did you bring us along? 

Scrooge: Cause I have a job for you boys. 

Louie: Does this it involved getting paid? 

Scrooge: Yes... Louie. It does...

Louie: YES!!!

Huey: So, what's the job anyway? 

Scrooge: I need you guys to guard this diamond. I don't wanna take any risks of Steelbeak trying to steal it. 

Louie: Why us? 

Scrooge: Cause you guys are the toughest kids I know. 

Huey: Wow... Uncle Scrooge, are you sure about this? We're 14. 

Louie: C'mon Hubert. 

Dewey: We can totally do this. 

Huey: Well... okay. But this is for the world. I don't wanna destroy it. 

Scrooge: Good! I knew I could count on you guys! Now, I'll just leave you guys to it. 

Scrooge leaves the room

Dewey: WE GOT THIS!!! 

Louie: I am so gonna get paid 10,000,000 dollars for this! 

Dewey: I'm gonna buy myself an eclectic guitar so I can rock out with my girlfriend! 

Louie: I'm gonna go on a relaxing vacation. So what are you gonna do with the money Huey? 

Huey: Look, I'm gonna focus on guarding this Diamond. I don't want to take any risks on anyone stealing it! 

Louie: Okay. 

Huey: Now let's get to work! 

2 hours later

Louie: This is so boring. 

Dewey: Worst job ever!

Louie: We should go! 

Huey: No! We are not leaving! We are staying here! 

Della: Hey kids! 

Huey: Oh, hey mom. 

Della: So Uncle Scrooge made you guys do this, huh? 

Huey: We're just guarding the Diamond of Legendary. I'm not taking risks on anybody stealing it... LOUIE!!!

Louie: What, it looks amazing! And crazing rich! 

Huey: Nobody, and I mean nobody, is to put a single feather on this diamond! 

Louie: Fine... 

Della: Esh, somebody's being mature here...

Huey: I need to, it's for the universe. 

Lauchpad: Hey Huey, I have some good news, and I have some bad news! 

Huey: What is it? 

Launchpad: Good news, I crashed you cabin. Bad news is, you someone to fix it. Sorry. 

Huey: (sigh) I'll be right back. 

Huey leaves the underground bin

Scrooge: Leaving so soon? 

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