Mike's Story

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It seemed to be a peaceful day at Fredbear's Family Diner. Everything was going just as planned.Fredbear was going back and forth between the tables while Springbonnie strummed happy tunes.All was well until Springbonnie broke down. "It was almost at the good part!" One kid whined. "Wake up Springy!" Another yelled. Then one employee grabbed the yellow bunny and carried him behind the curtains.Then he started whispering with someone backstage.Who knows what he said?Suddenly, Springbonnie came back, but something was different. Now his eyes were a purple instead of yellow like usual. It just wasn't right. Soon...everyone would realize it wasn't the only difference.They'd soon find out of the terrible intentions of this one. Flash a couple decades in and you have me, Mike Schmidt, and I should remind you that I risk my life so kids can have fun. Risking my life to a teddy bear and his stupid friends.How is this possible? Well I can tell you if you pay double my paycheck WITH overtime...Wait, you can't hear my sarcastic voice.Ok, I'll tell you (pretend I have a sarcastic voice) if you pay double my paycheck WITH overtime. (No more sarcastic voice) Here comes an amazing story...


It seemed quite odd at first. Stuck in a building with robots that may or may not be linked to murders that they may or may not have committed. Eventually I thought "It can't be that bad if it was on an app like...this unnamed app?" So I waltzed straight in and got hired because in this story there's no paperwork or anyth...Whoops. 4th wall break. I got hired as a nightguard. My first work day...or rather "night" started Monday. I went home. There was a little Freddy bobblehead was in my sweater pocket which wasn't mine...Just noting.It had a note attached that read: Dear Employee,This job is nothing but a trap. If you want a GOOD job I recommend you stay away from here...OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF IGNORING ME. Signed...The rest was covered in red ink.An anonymous note obviously from a member -or at least a former member- of Fazbear Entertainment that had the job before me.I just wish that I took it's advice...especially after I found out it wasn't red ink...Come on guys, it's a pizza sauce stain...RIGHT?


At 7:15 Monday afternoon I got a call. "Hey. is this Michael Schmidt? The guy who signed up a couple days ago? "Yeah, why? Is there a problem?" "Actually, no.I just wanted to say that this week isn't the actual job..." "What?" This was an odd thing to hear. "What do you mean?" "This week will be a test of your worthiness.But for today, we need you here at 10 pm. Think you can cooperate?" "Ok...but for what?" "A tour of the building.It's for any new person that hasn't been here at least 5 months prior to applying." "Well fine.I'll have to get ready." "The manager will see you there!" So I got dressed in the uniform I was sent by Fazbear Entertainment and hopped into my red van to arrive at 9:42. I pulled up right next to the manager. "Did you get the call from my assistant?" "Yeah. but why do I have to do this week? You should trust employees at least a bit more." "Well after the...happenings, we need to reinforce our security. Which means multiple day shift guards, cameras that detect sound, and making sure that our employees aren't killers." What does that last part mean? "Oh...Well can we just get inside?" I asked as I started towards the Pizzeria. "Hmph...Very well." He said as he straightened his tie. The walls were grey with red and checker pattern at the center and it was like that all over.The floors were also covered in a checkered pattern.There were 3 ominous animatronics on a stage lit by colored lights. In the corner was a stage with purple curtains decorated with white stars.There was a room to the left filled with parts and a creepy endo-skeleton.To the right were the bathrooms.Then near that was the kitchen.I was about to peek in when the manager called me back. "Only the chefs and I can go in there.What's inside is none of your business.That on the other hand..." He pointed at the hallway next to it. "On the other side is what you should be thinking about." At the end of the hallway was my office.The only thing in the other hallway was a storage closet."Get it now?" He asked me. Then he turned around and left. "Wait!" When I went out into the dining room both him and his car were gone already.So I walked slowly back to my room.When I got inside I SWEAR I heard a voice. "Oh well..." I shrugged. "It's just this place giving off creepy vibes.."

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