chapter- 3. A 'candle'light dinner.

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[Yoongi's POV of flashback]

Eight years ago, when I was 20 years old.. I was kicked out of the orphanage I stayed in for being too old. I had nowhere to go. There was no place I belonged to or had to call it my own home.

It was a harsh winter season. It scared me to see people freeze to death on streets. Each night, one person would freeze to death on the streets, covered in snow all over, making me wonder when it'd be me some day.

Would anyone even find my body to bury it? Or would I just dissolve in the snow and turn into skeleton?

Not only was I homeless, I was penniless and had no food or ration on me to get by even for one day. Let alone a roof over my head.

"Must I resort to thieving?" I thought to myself as I curled up into a ball on the park bench. "Or maybe robbery..?"

That was when an old newspaper flew towards me and as I reached out for it thinking I could use it as my blanket for the night, my eyes caught something interesting on the bulletin board of the park.

Even though I had no employable skills to speak of, I had to earn money somehow.

Hiring prison guards at
Bojeong penitentiary

Room and board provided
background and education irrelevant
compliant workers welcome.

I squeezed the belt of my bag hard.

"If I fail,"I thought,".. I'll just come away with an interview fee.. But if I'll be lucky.."

"Then I'll have three square meals and a warm bed."

So I ripped the paper from the bulletin board and ran as fast as I could.

Completely ignoring the sentance at the end:


[end of flashback]



Yoongi stood up from the stairs, wobbling on his feet a little as he did so.

Hold on.. now that he thinks about it, how does this guy know his name?He doesn't remember giving this guy any proper introduction of himself.

"I appreciate the offer but-"

"But?"The man interrupted with a smile. Yoongi's face turned red yet again, however he blamed it on his lack of dressing and the cold weather.

"B-but I'm afraid I don't have the time. I need to see my family.."A lie that was. A white lie. "And I have deadlines I need to meet.."Another blatant lie. Yoongi had met his deadlines long ago, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting here waiting for his nameless neighbour for two hours straight. "P-plus I have friends to catch up to-"

Yoongi glanced at the tall man. And oh how he wished he didn't.

His expression was darker than he had ever seen, an disgusting snarl on his face as he scowled darkly at Yoongi with his viciously eerie eyes.

"So what?" He seethed.


Damn it.

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