Chapter 2: Sonic to the Rescue

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The next morning, at the Loud House

Lincoln was in the dining room speaking to his mom.

Lincoln: Yeah I'm doing fine, mom. It's just kind of dull here without other people around. Other than the pets.

Rita's voice: I know. I'm sorry Lincoln. But with Lori in college, of course the rest of your sisters having they're overnight activities and me and your father in Hawaii on vacation, we needed someone to watch over the house while we're all gone. And you looked like just the right person for the job.

Lincoln: Yeah. I guess so.

Rita's voice: I'm sure your sisters will be home sometime today. And Lori's coming home from college for spring break.

Lincoln: That's good. Also there's something you should now. (Rubs the back of his head) I kind of did something I shouldn't have done last night.

Rita's voice: What happened?

Lincoln: Well you know how you said we're not supposed to go swimming at night?

Rita's voice: Oh no. Did you go for a swim last night?

Lincoln: (Sheepishly) Well yes and no. Yes, I went into the pool. No, not just for a swim. You see, I heard a big splash come from the pool and there was a cat in there. So I jumped in to rescue it.

Sonic was listening to his conversation with his mother from the living room laying on the couch. He was annoyed being called a cat.

Rita's voice: (Sighs) Well you have a big heart sweetie. I'm kind of disappointed you did something like that.

Lincoln: Sorry mom.

Rita's voice: Well I'll let that slide for now since you had a reason for it. But just promise you won't do something like that again.

Lincoln: I promise.

Rita's voice: Good. Well I'm gonna get going. You're father and I are going to see the town. I'll talk to you and the girls soon. Be good Lincoln.

Lincoln: Okay. Bye mom, love you.

Rita's voice: Love you sweetie. Be good.

He hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket. Then Sonic runs in and sits on the table.

Sonic: Take a good look Lincoln, I'm a hedgehog, not a cat!

Lincoln: I know. I'm sorry Sonic. But my mom wouldn't understand.

Sonic: Why wouldn't she?

Lincoln: Well first of all, she knows that I wouldn't risk diving into a pool in the middle of the night just to save a little hedgehog.

Sonic: Really?

Lincoln: What else could I say to her? I couldn't tell her or my dad that I saved a blue, talking hedgehog. Or else they would think I've become a nut case. That reminds me! Where and when did you learn how to talk, Sonic?

Sonic: Good question. Unfortunately, I don't have a very good answer because I don't remember.

Lincoln: Hm. (Pulls a bowl of cereal) Here. Eat something. You look famished.

Sonic: Well it's not a chili dog, but it'll do. (Eats it) So, how come you're here by yourself?

Lincoln: Well my parent's went to Hawaii for their vacation getaway. And my sisters are at they're activities. Different ones to be exacted.

Sonic: How many sisters do you have? 3? 4?

Lincoln: Try 10.

Sonic: (Eyes widen, spits his food out) 10 sisters?!

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