Season 2 Chapter 2: A Chaotic Day

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[Scene: The Loud House - Living Room]

[The Louds, Clyde, Sonic, Knuckles, and Big are gathered in the living room couch drinking coffee while Lynn Sr is standing beside a whiteboard]

Sonic: Shouldn't we be out trying to stop Eggman instead of having a family meeting?

Lynn Sr: I'm hoping that we could put our heads together and unravel the mystery of Eggman's Chaos creature.

Knuckles: It's the most powerful thing I've ever seen. We watched it gulp down two Chaos Emeralds like they were candy.

Sonic: They made that thing even stronger!

Lisa: It sounds like it's going to be a real challenge to defeat this creature.

Knuckles: It will. I knew it would be trouble when I saw it on Angel Island.

[Scene Change: Angel Island - Flashback]

Knuckles: [As Narrator] After Chaos Control happened, Angel Island was transported into this world. That's where the Master Emerald was, and I guarded it around the clock. One night, a huge bolt of lightning woke me up. But this wasn't an ordinary thunderstorm. Something very strange was happening at the summit. I knew the Master Emerald was in danger, but it was too late. And that's when I saw it.

[He awakens to see Chaos, in its normal form, standing at the top of the shrine.]

[Scene Change: The Loud House - Living Room]

Lincoln: If the Master Emerald's on Angel Island, why aren't you there now protecting it?

Knuckles: Because it's too late. The Chaos creature made sure of that.

[Scene Change: Angel Island - Flashback]

[The flasback resumes.]

Knuckles: Hey! Who are you?

[Chaos growls viciously while waving his arms. Knuckles sees that the Master Emerald has been shattered.]

Knuckles: What happened to the Master Emerald? Are you the one who destroyed it?

[Knuckles punches Chaos, but no damage is done, and Chaos in return smacks the echidna with its head, sending him back a few steps. Chaos then dissolves into a puddle.]

Knuckles: Wait!

[But Chaos evaporates.]

Knuckles: Blast! Where did that thing go?

[Suddenly there is an earthquake.]

Knuckles: Now what?

[Angel Island begins to fall into the ocean.]

Knuckles: The Master Emerald keeps this island hovering in the air, but it can't if it's shattered!

[The flashback ends.]

[Scene Change: The Loud House - Living Room]

Rita: You shouldn't blame yourself for what that creature did, Knuckles.

Lana: Big, when you were looking for Froggy in the forest, didn't you see something that looked like Chaos?

[Scene Change: Forest - flashback]

[Chaos, in its puddle form, flows out of the rocks and forces itself inside Froggy.]

Big: Hey, you find another one, Froggy?

[Froggy suddenly grows a tail.]

Big: Hey, am I seein' things? You're growing a tail!

[Froggy turns round to face Big, and leaps towards him as the flashback ends.]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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