Chapter 3: Missile Wrist Rampage

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At Eggman's Base

Dr. Eggman's fortress is seen in the middle of an island where waves crash against it. Eggman is at his main room looking at Royal Woods via the screen in front of him.

Dr. Eggman: [Laughs] Conquering this puny planet will be a picnic! As an appetizer, I'll finish off this city!

Decoe: (Passes a pack of cards to Eggman) Which robot will you use, doctor?

Dr. Eggman: (Looks through the card) Hm, let's see. (Having a hard time choosing) They all look so lethal... mm, I can't choose.

He places the pack of cards into the Selection Machine's card slot and pulls the lever to start the slot reels spinning. The reels on the screen display three images of E-23 Missile Wrist.

Dr. Eggman: Ah, Missile Wrist! Perfect!

At Ketchum park

Small kids are playing basketball. Down below in the sewers, Knuckles and Amy are walking through it.

Knuckles: (Annoyed) This whole thing is Sonic's fault!

Amy: (Trying to defend Sonic) All Sonic did was try and stop Eggman. He didn't mean for us to get us sent here.

Knuckles: Even if Dr. Eggman is the one to blame, Sonic shouldn't have pushed it so far!

Amy: He's not afraid to fight back!

Knuckles: Sonic just likes getting into fights for kicks!

Amy: (Crossed her arms in annoyance and anger) I'm not going any further if you talk trash about Sonic!

Knuckles: (Continues walking) I don't have time for this. See ya!

Amy: (Gasps, hurries after Knuckles) You're not going to leave me alone down here, are you?

Knuckles: Do what you want. That's your business.

Amy: [sighs] This is gonna to be impossible! Hey, c'mon Knuckles! Don't be mad! Wait up!

At the beach

People were enjoying themselves. A few people are playing with a beach ball. One of the guys hits it towards the water.

Lady in orange bikini: (Runs into the water) That's okay, I got it!

As she attempts to grab the ball, suddenly, Missile Wrist emerges from the water shocking all the people. Everyone on the beach looked at the robot and were horrified. The lady in the orange bikini was under it's shadow and the volley ball bounced off her head. She and others scream as they run away from Missile Wrist in fear. Everyone on the beach ran away screaming in fear at the sight of the robot. Eggman was in his Egg-mobile watching the citizens scream in terror.

Dr. Eggman: There's nothing more fun than making waves at the beach! Well, now that we've established a beachhead here, let's set our sights at the city!

He and Missile Wrist continue on to attack the town

At the Loud House

Tails was hosing the Tornado while Lisa stands by helping him.

Tails: I like to keep the Tornado nice and clean.

Lisa: Tails, I'd love to study this plane's mechanics someday.

Lincoln smiled seeing how well they and Sonic's friends were getting along. He was glad Tails and Lisa were able to become lab partners now.

Lincoln: (To the audience) Isn't this great? My sisters actually like Sonic and they're friends. Ever since I rescued Sonic, things started to get really exciting. However not everything about this is exciting. Because now that they were sent here from they're world, there's also that evil robotic scientist they told us about. Doctor Eggman. If he is here, he'll want to turn Royal Woods into his own empire. And we can't let him. So we're going to help him stop Egghead.

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