Chapter 12: Countdown To Chaos

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Last time on: The Really Loud House With Sonic X

Dr Eggman sent a strange robot named Lucky to search for the last Chaos Emerald.

Meanwhile, Lincoln and his sisters were getting ready for the school dance.

Lincoln kept striking out with his crush Charlie, until Sonic told Lincoln he should tell Charlie how he felt.

Lincoln agreed and told Charlie about his feelings. And Charlie felt the same way too!

But, the celebration was cut short when Eggman crashed the party and stole all of Sonic's Chaos Emeralds.

And then escaped with Lincoln held hostage!

Can Sonic make it in time to get back the Emeralds and save his friend?

Stay tuned!

[Scene: The Loud House Living Room]

[Tails Amy, Knuckles, Cream, The Louds, Clyde, and Charlie are coming up with a plan to save Lincoln.]

Tails: We have to get into Eggman's robot, defeat it, and get the emeralds back.

Lisa: It may be risky, but it's our only chance to save Lincoln.

Tails: The robot is heavily modified and it's powered by the Chaos Emeralds. We'll have to keep on our toes.

Leni: So that's our plan? Just charge directly to Eggman's ship?

Amy: You might be able to save Lincoln, but...

Knuckles: Eggman has six Chaos Emeralds. He may be too powerful to defeat.

Lynn: [determined] We're saving Lincoln. I'm not losing my baby brother!

Clyde: [determined] Yeah, he's my best friend.

Charlie: Can I help? I know that I might risk myself of getting hurt or worse, but I wanna help.

Tails: Of course. We need all the help we can get.

Rita: But how do we catch Eggman's ship?

Lisa: Family, I have the solution.

[Lisa leads the gang to the garage]

Tails: Me and Lisa have created a ship that's big enough to fit all of us and fight with Eggman's ship!

Lisa: We give you... (press a button) The Blue Typhoon!

[A light turns on, revealing the Blue Typhoon]

Everyone: Woah!

Cream and Amy: It's so big!

Tails: It's a multi-purpose fully mobile flying fortress!

Lisa: And with a few quick adjustments, we can battle! Only...

Clyde: Only what?

Tails: We were planning on using the Chaos Emeralds as the power source. Now what are we gonna use?

[Everyone thinks for a moment]

Knuckles: Hey! I know what we can use!

[Knuckles brings out the Master Emerald and puts it in the heart of the ship]

Knuckles: I must remember, the Master Emerald is the server of the Chaos Emeralds.

[Knuckles takes a deep breath and puts his hands up]

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