Season 2 Chapter 1: Pure Chaos

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Last time on: The Really Loud House With Sonic X

After stealing the six Chaos Emeralds from the Loud House, Dr. Eggman kidnapped Lincoln, holding him hostage on the Egg Fort II.

Soon, Dr. Eggman's robot Lucky returned with the seventh Emerald, but just as Eggman was about to grab it, Sonic showed up to thwart his plan. Determined to get the last Emerald, Eggman transformed the Egg Fort II into the Eggsterminator, a gargantuan super bot powered by the Chaos Emeralds.

Sonic, broke into the Eggsterminator and saved Lincoln, and took the emeralds!

But Eggman wasn't finished. He shot down the Blue Typhoon and was about to destroy our heroes, but Sonic turned into his super form and blasted Eggman out of Royal Woods!

But the celebration was cut short when the crash shattered the Master Emerald. That meant they couldn't use Chaos Control to Sonic and the others home.

Sonic and his friends just had to accept that they're weren't going home for a while. Is this the end of the story? Or did something more unexpected happen?

There's only one way to find out. Stay tuned!

[Scene change: Jungle]

[A ball of light strikes the ground, rousing Big the Cat and his frog friend Froggy. Froggy leaps off of Big and heads towards the area where the explosion occurred.]

Big: Wait for me, Froggy!

[Big stumbles after Froggy and arrives at the spot.]

Big: You're trying to tell me something.

[In the midst of the displaced rocks is the purple Chaos Emerald.]

Big: Wow, what's this?

[He picks it up.]

Big: Sure is pretty. Somebody must have dropped it. Finders keepers, right, pal?

[As Big is admiring the Chaos Emerald, a strange fluid pours out of the rocks and forces itself inside Froggy.]

Big: Uh... What's the matter, little buddy?

[Froggy suddenly grows a tail.]

Big: Hey, am I seeing things? You're growing a tail!

[Big leaps up and eats the Chaos Emerald out of Big's hand, causing him to fall over.]

[Scene Change: Air Force One]

[Air Force One flies through the now-clearing skies. An aide, the GUN Commander, the Director of Central Intelligence, Topaz, Rouge, Christina Cooper, and Mr. Stewart stand before the President.]

President: It's been six months, and I still don't understand. What happened when the Chaos Emeralds came together?

Aide: Sonic and his friends thought that Chaos Control would send them back to their home planet, but a piece of their planet was sent here instead.

Christina: Still, our citizens appear to be taking it all in stride, Mr. President. In fact, plans to turn Mystic Ruins into a world-famous tourist attraction is sure to be a great boost to the economy.

President: Maybe so, but one thing still has me worried: Dr. Eggman.

Director of Central Intelligence: I wouldn't worry about that, Mr. President. We've got intelligence teams all over the globe tracking his whereabouts. Plans are also underway to install a new network of surveillance satellites.

President: Really?

Rouge: Right. But no matter how you spin it, you still haven't managed to catch him.

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