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"please one wrong move on this it will kill someone or me" ivy says as she hears 3 different growls. 

"no not going to happen" cas says as he sits up he goes to a drawer and get's some type of paint.

dean and sam sit up when he starts to draw something on the floor. 

"no" dean says as he stops cas.

"do we really need his help" dean says as he looks over at ivy and see she still in pain from when cas touched her neck.

"yes cause i can do it seeing as it magically in her so only his mother can do it" cas says as he also looks at her.

 "ok fine lets do it and get read of this thing in her neck" dean says as she looks over at them

they all start to draw the pentagram to summon crowley

NOW: 3 pov

when they get done they take ivy out of the room with sam. 

"well you guy want to make a deal" and man says as ivy enters the room with Sam's help. crowley look over at her and sam. 

" and who might this be?" ivy lets go of sam and goes to shake his hand but sam holds her back and she pouts.

"I'm Ivy Shirley" ivy says as she looks down. 

"the soulmate?" crowley says as he freezes . 

"crowley we need you mother to help us or well her" sam says as crowley looks at her.

 "sam I'm fine just like right know i promises" ivy says as cas 'drags' her to the couch and sits her on it. 

"wait why do you guy need my mother?"

"she has a tracker in her" cas says as he goes back over to ivy and hands her the water. 

"well why didn't you do it castile?" crowley says as he looks at her. 

" its magically in her neck and we need your help" dean says as he also looks at her then back at crowley. 

"okay fine" crowley says as he looks down at the devil trap on the floor.

"I'm going to need you men to trust me"- crowley

"why?"-dean says not happy on bit about this

"i need my magic to summon my mother"-crowley says as he goes to step out but cas stops him

"ok fine"- cas says as he goes over and wipes the devils trap away and goes back over to ivy.

"I'm hungry"-ivy says as she goes over to dean and crowley and hugs crowley mother like she knows her.

 "Love stop your confusing them"-Rowena says as she looks over at her son. 

"How do you know her mother"-crowley says as ivy lets go of her and press the back of her neck. and Rowena goes over and gets her food. 

"this thing in my neck is a tracker for you mother so she can keep up with her end of the deal" ivy says as she starts to sway a little.

 "the only problem with it is she gets drained of her power real quickly so only she can touch her neck "-rowena says as she hands ivy her food and goes over and sits on the bed.

"Wait wait you mean she can drain her power?"-Dean 

"yes i can but i gain a lot of it too because I'm tied to the infinity stones i can show you if you like"-ivy says as she lays down after finishing  her meal which was a hamburger dean bought at tom coffee shop. 

"did you eat my burger"- dean says.

 "nope i ate sand yes i ate you burger"- ivy says as rowena disappears knowing where this was going. 

"did you just sass me"-dean says.

 "dean stop it not like she ate your pie" sam says as dean grabs his pie out of the bag.

"thank god"- dean says as he looks over at ivy as she made a grunt.

 "what was that?"-dean says as he looks over at her.

"i said you like pie why not cake or candy"-ivy says as she sits up looking at him all the boys also look at him waiting  for his own respond. 

"did you just insult my pie"- dean says

 "okay hey guys lets get back on track you said that you get your powers from the infinity stones why and how?"- cas says as he looks over at his mate.

"oh yes i get that because of hydria they would try experiments on me because i survived so long they would beat me at the age of 10 i know how to not back talk. oh and I'm sorry dean i didn't mean anything in fact i love chocolate pie."-ivy says with fear in her eyes.

 dean goes over and ivy starts to back up know she was going to get hurt.

 "hun I'm not them i just wont a hug please"-dean says as he try's to push down his anger at hydria and not let his mate see that. she stops moving and goes to hug him which he catch her as she starts to sob in his arms.

"I'm sorry"- ivy says as she falls asleep on dean. he lays her down as sam pulls the covers over her. they all look at her and they all silently made a promises to her

they will kill whoever thinks about touches her slowly and then crowley will torcher them himself in hell where they belong all because they hurt there darling 

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