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previously on holy ivy:

" that's fine love"- crowley says as the other agree and she finishes her closet and she grabs a few socks and all of her underwear and bras and then puts those in a separate bag. then she grabs some blankets and a pillow and her purse and phone then her charger and headphones.

she puts her stuff in her bag with her underwear then she turns around and stops as she see someone.


ivy pov:

"well aren't you hot in all angles" the angle says as i look at him in the eyes.

 "I'm sorry what?" i ask as he smirks and then i  look behind him to see dean tense and sam with a angle blade. cas has his blade and crowley red demon eyes are out. john also has his blade out. 

" why is everyone so tense?" i ask as i look back at gabriel.

 "they all don't like me well except for castial?" the angle says as he looks back at me. 

"wait you don't like him? why?" i ask as i look at sam then too dean. 

"we will explain in the car but we need to leave now" they says. 

"ok lets go" i say as we leave and go in the elevator with my bags. the elevator stops and thor gets on. 

"thor can you distracted the paparazzi's?" i as him as he nods and looks down at me he gives me a hug while my mates growl at him.

 "oh hush he my soul brother along with Loki" i let him go and I'm pull behind cas and john. 

we make it to the  ground level and thor gets out first and distracts the paparazzi and we wall run out and go to deans car. when we are safe inside the car I'm sitting on sam lap. 

"well shit we have no room" dean says as he starts the car. 

"just drive before we get caught  please" i say as we pull out of the tower and i see thor with paparazzi around him. we leave fast that we are back at the motel in under 5 mins.

" dean you cant speed like that we could have died" i say as i get out of the car and help sam out. 

"miss. Shirley?" i hear death ask. we all turned around and saw death. 

"death my main mans what's up?" i ask and try to go over to him key word tried. Sam pulled me back.

"Hey he my friend he wont hurt me please. He helped me " i says as i go around dean who lets me then i look at death as he smirks and looks behind me with a razed eyebrow.

"Lets go inside and i will explain why I'm here" death says as he looks at me then my mates.

"Okay" i says as we go inside.

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