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previously on HOLY IVY:

" dean you cant speed like that we could have died" i say as i get out of the car and help sam out. 

"miss. Shirley?" i hear death ask. we all turned around and saw death. 

"death my main mans what's up?" i ask and try to go over to him key word tried. Sam pulled me back. 

"Hey he my friend he wont hurt me please. He helped me " i says as i go around dean who lets me as i look at death as he smirks and looks behind me with a razed eyebrow.

 "Lets go inside and i will explain why I'm here" death says as he looks at me then my mates. 

"Okay" i says as we go inside.


"so explain"-dean says as he starts to pack his clothes.

 "I'm here to tell ivy that her father is looking for her"-death  says as he looks up from his cup of coffee.

everyone stops and looks at him then ivy. death sees her eyes changing color and things floating around. her hands on fire.

 "what wrong with her"-sam says. ivy's eyes go up into her head. 

dean catch her before she falls and puts her on the bed.  they look around the room and sees it trashed. cas goes over taps her and touches her forehead. 

she jolt awake and grab cas arm, flip him over and a knife appears in her hand and she look at cas as he grabs her hips.

"oh I-I'm sorry cas ill j-just get off of you" ivy says as she teleports her knife back to her pocket demission.

"your fine hunny" cas says as he helps her off of him.

"are you ok mistress?" death ask.

ivy looks over at him, dean looks at sam then to crowley. 

"wait wait, did you just say mistress?" crowley says  

"well yeah but she was the only one to prey for death one day and i took her under my wing. I'm practically like her father, unlike chuck her father" death says

"wait you knew this whole time that I had a dad and y-you didn't tell me?" ivy practically shouts

"daughter  calm yourself. yes i knew he was your father but he is not a good one okay i promise ask gabriel or castial"-death says to ivy.

ivy whips her head around to see the two angles looks down at her. they both nod. she nods at them. then she turns back around.

" i wanna talk to him please then hit him maybe torcher him to...." ivy says. 

all of her mates look at her as gabriel grab her hips, spin her around and pins her to a wall.

"no no no sweetheart you don't touch my father or else" gabriel says 

ivy pouches her head off the wall.

"make me"-ivy 

gabriel kiss her hard as he grinds on her. ivy kisses back as she puts her hands through his hair and pulls gabriel breaks off the kiss.

"okay sweetheart, I know you want more but, there are your other mates so i cant be greedy." he says

he looks behind his shoulder and see ivy's other mates. 

"where did death go?" gabriel says

"high tailed it out of here with cas for some reason?"-sam says

sam nods his head in ivy's direction. gabriel moves smirking. sam take his place. 

"hey sammy" ivy says 

still dazed  she goes to kiss sam but he stops her.

"its sir to you love" sam says

 he wraps he hand around arm around. her ass and pulls her up and closer to his height and kisses her. she fells someone behind her. she smells lavender and red apple.

'dean' she thinks as he put his mouth on her neck and sucks intending on leaving a mark. sam lets her mouth go and kisses down her neck on the other side. ivy moans as she grinds her ass on dean.

"sam dean let go of my daughter" they let her go and look over to see chuck.

"mhm" sam says as he carefully put down ivy and goes over to the couch and sits down with dean.

"who are you?" ivy asked

"your father" chuck says as he grabs her arm and teleports ivy out of the room. 

"holy sh..."

"finish that sentence i dare you" chuck says as he sits down at his desk.

"where are we?" ivy ask

"we are in heaven" chuck says as he looks down at his daughter.

"wait, d-did you kidnap me?" ivy ask

"yes but not really i just need your help with some thing then you can go back to your mates" chuck says the last word with disgust.

"find but i need..."ivy says as she hears a snap of finger's she look down and sees that she's wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a white tang top with beige color shoe.

"ivy says as she hears a snap of finger's she look down and sees that she's wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a white tang top with beige color shoe

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"there now lets go" he says as they leave. ivy phone dings.

she see a message from sam

she see a message from sam

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