uzumaki diaries, entry one.

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Friday October 9th

Naruto was overall stressed about his school life and his 'not crush' on Sasuke. His good friend Gaara suggested that he did a video diary to express his feelings, entry one :
"hey its naruto uzumaki here, im 17, im gay and i go to konoha high. For starters ill talk about my school friends, classmates, and teachers. First we have my friend Gaara, he's been my best friend for about 2 years now, he's a quiet but very sweet guy. Next Kiba, Kiba is the funniest guy i've ever met. He's always so nice and just a fun time in general. Then Neji, I don't talk to him much, considering he's popular and a major judgmental asshole. He's head of the student council and Kiba has a huge ass crush on him, Neji pays no interest in Kiba though. I feel bad." naruto frowns softly. "Anyways, then we have Suigetsu, he is a TOTAL man whore! He's Sasukes best friend and he's a total nuisance. Not much to be said about him." cough cough, jealousy "Then we have the Sasuke Uchiha. He's popular, rich, attractive, and a totally jerk! He's always finding some way to mess with me. We used to be friends but he's changed and things can NEVER go back. He's messed things up way to bad already. Then we have Tsunade, she's the headmistress. She keeps everyone in check, not to mention she's a total badass too. She's pretty nice to me. Lastly we have my English teacher Kakashi, he's very passionate about literature and im pretty sure he's some kind of ninja on the side. Well I ought to see myself to bed now, goodbye till tomorrow!" Naruto had turned of his camera and yawned. 'great, school tomorrow.' He thought while tucking himself into bed. After about ten minutes he dozed off.

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