uzumaki diaries, entry two

15 1 0

Saturday October 10th

"today was shit, first thing in the morning and uchihas already being an asshole!"
Naruto walks in the entry door of the school to see Sasuke standing in a corner jus chillin.
"why do you always do this?!" Naruto storms off in frustration
"Why does he do that? I don't do that?! Do guys normally do that? Anyways, thats not even the worst thing that happened today. He pushed me into a locker!"
Naruto was walking through the halls when he saw Sasuke, Sasuke simply smiled at him and continued walking. Naruto who was completely staring and not paying attention to his surroundings, ran into an open locker door.
"Yeah.. Entirely his fault. But the worst thing that happened was when we were in english class."
"Hamlet! To be or not to be is the question. And I have a question for you too, what is the choice that hamlet is making here? Can anyone tell me?" Kakashi spoke while writting on the chalkboard. Naruto raised his hand
"Kakashi sensei I know-"
"suicide" Sasuke spoke. Smirking to himself about Naruto. While Naruto glared at him.
"Now, can anyone tell me the name of the woman Hamlet described as a fair nymph?"
"Oh Kakashi-" Naruto spoke while raising his hand again, just to be interrupted by Sasuke.. again.
"Ophelia." Naruto turned to him again
"Teme will you just let me talk?!" Naruto punched him in the shoulder.
"ow wtf?"
"Naruto!" Kakashi pointed at Naruto
"And then we had detention, me and Sasuke. Alone, same room." naruto sighed. "Oh and apparently Uchiha has some interesting eating habits.."
Silence in the detention room, no talking just silence between the two boys sitting next to eachother. Sasuke silently pulled out a peice of food and started eating it. Naruto who noticed this and just stared at him in disgust.
"It was just a piece of fish! Like there was nothing on the fish, just a piece of raw fish. It was the single most disgusting thing I've ever seen. Why do people like him, I don't get it."

"that wouldn't even taste good if someone were to like- kiss him. NOT THAT IM THINKING ABOUT KISS UCHIHA!"

Naruto gripped his hair, groaning and rocking back and forth. "Sasuke."

"Sasuke and I have an interesting relationship" It's not like I like him or anything. Not like I want him to kiss me, or strip my clothes off.. and jus fuc- Yeah. I don't want that at all."

Gaara slowly slides beside Naruto
"Hey Gaara."
"You looove him."

"There's absolutely nothing attractive about him. Not his hair or his eyes, i just-" He crossed his arms and pouted "Stupid Uchiha." Naruto stated while Gaara sits in the back trying to eat sand then making a disgusted face.

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