Step One : Friends

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Friday October 16th

Naruto was at his locker first thing in the morning when Sasuke approached him.
"Hey Naruto, can I walk you to class?" Sasuke spoke spooking Naruto a bit.
"Oh hi Sasuke- um sure, why not." Sasuke smilled at Narutos words, he was happy Naruto was finally going to give him a chance to prove he was serious about making it up. The blond finished grabbing his stuff from his locker and he started walking, Sasuke beside him.
"I promise ill make it up to you Naruto, I really will." Sasuke held Narutos hand in his own for a minute stopping them both. The raven haired boy then hugged Naruto, Naruto was shocked. He hugged Sasuke back awkwardly, he felt his face getting hot and he pushed Sasuke off of him.
"Ha- I don't wanna be late for class!!" Naruto spoke trying not to make eye contact.
"ah, right." Sasuke and him started walking again until they reached Narutos classroom.
"See you in english Naruto." He waved then walked to his class.
"Yeah- see ya-" Naruto timidly walked into his class and sat next to Gaara.
"Gaara I need to tell you stuff." Gaara nodded and Naruto explained what happened the previous night during his tutoring then what happened today, how Sasuke walked him to class. Gaara quietly laughed at Narutos words.
"Whats so funny!" Gaara snicked one more time before answering Narutos question.
"Sounds like Sasuke likes you Naru." Naruto was stunned by his friends answer.
"He does not!!" Naruto blurted a bit to loud making a couple peoples heads turn towards him. Gaara laughed at the blonde once again.
"And you like him too Naru-kun." Naruto blushed and hid his face.
"I do not. I hate him still!" Narutos words were slightly muffled by the hands on his face.
"Sureee." Gaara stated.

In Narutos last class : English.
Sasuke sat directly next to the blond.
"Hey Uzumaki." Sasuke spoke quietly since the class had already started. Naruto faced the other way, still embarrassed by his and Gaaras conversation earlier today.
"Hi." He stated almost coldly.
"You okay?"
"Im fine. Pay attention to the lesson."
"Alright, am I coming over for tutoring today?" Naruto mentally cursed at himself for forgetting about that.
"Yeah, lets go to your house this time though." Naruto finally looked at Sasuke. "Now shush."

about 10 minutes before the end of class
Sasuke passed a note to Naruto
the next few lines will be Sasuke and Naruto passing back and forth the note, responding to eachother

Sasuke: "Hey Naruto."
Naruto: "What do you want."
Sasuke: "Your friendship"
Naruto: "What do you mean?" naruto drew a tiny confused chibi drawing of himself
Sasuke: "Can we be friends?"
Naruto: "Sure I guess"
Sasuke: "Tysm" Sasuke drew a small heart next to narutos written words. When Naruto saw this his heart fluttered.
Naruto: "Enough note passing your distracting me."
Sasuke: "so you think im distracting Naruto?~"
Sasuke: "okay okay. Got it no more notes." Sasuke laughed while writting that last bit.
Sasuke showed Naruto his last note then threw it away ending their paper conversation. After a few last minutes the bell ringed. Sasuke and Naruto both put their stuff away and headed out the classroom together.
"So you think im distracting Naruto? What about me is distracting?~" Sasuke chuckled at his own words.
"Your dumb face, I wanna punch it all the time. Thats why your distracting." Naruto spoke with sarcasm. Sasuke saw Suigetsu while walking out of the school with Naruto. He gave Suigetsu a thumbs up and a smile behind Narutos back. Suigetsu just replied with a shake of his hand shooing him off.

Once they got to Sasukes lolz
"so what do you wanna study today?" Sasuke questioned while messing with his notebook.
"Mmm. I've been struggling with our new math stuff can we do that?" Naruto looked at Sasuke
"Yeah of course" They made eye contact. 'Holy fuck he's adorable.' Sasuke thought to himself while Naruto thought. 'i wanna punch him in the face, he's so- AGH what the fuck.'

1 hour later
"Can we take a break?" Naruto groaned
"Yeah sure, what do you wanna do Naruto?"
"Can we watch a movie?" Naruto smiled brightly
"Sure, come lets go to my room." Sasuke mentally smiled at Narutos excitement.
"Your room? Why not the living room?"
"My brother Itachi will be home soon and if he sees you he'll ask a bunch of questions, its safer to go to my room." Sasuke spoke in monotone. The blond nodded and got up, Sasuke did aswell and led the blonde into his room. Naruto flopped onto Sasukes soft bed.
"Can I pick a movie?"
"Sure dobe." Sasuke sat beside naruto and handed hik the tv remote. Naruto picked out the movie "Hotel Transylvania" and played it.

half way through the movie.
Sasuke felt something on his shoulder, looking over to see what it was he noticed it was a sleepy Narutos head. Naruto had already fell asleep. The raven turned off the movie and laid down him and Naruto both, covering then with the blanket.
"Sasuke.." Naruto clung onto Sasuke in his sleep, Sasukes reaction was a quickly heated face. He put his hand to his face as he felt his heart flutter. Once Sasuke calmed down he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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