Fuck Step Three

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Sasuke walked over to his room where Naruto was pouting on his bed.
"Why are you so upset Naruto?" Naruto ignored Sasukes question and turned the other way. "Naruto, I may have not told you then but im telling you now. This was the thing i was scared of, i knew you wouldn't like me back and thats why i never told you." Naruto uncrossed his arms and sighed.
"You were my closest- no only friend at the time and you left me just because you had a little crush on me?" Naruto looked Sasuke in the eyes, Sasuke could see the pain in his eyes.
"No Naruto, it wasn't a little crush. I was in love with you.. and i still am." Sasuke went and sat next to Naruto a small blush on both their cheeks.
"I was in love with you too Sasuke." The raven haired boy smiled a bit.
"..was?" he spoke through his 'smile'
"was." naruto spoke in a cold tone and turned away.
"ah. i see." Sasuke got up and exited the room his eyes tearing up. He slowly walked over to Itachi
"Sasuke what ha- oh no." Itachi ran over hugging his brother as Sasukes soft tears turned into sobs. He hugged Itachi tightly as he fell to the floor.
"i knew i shouldn't have told him." Sasuke tried wiping his tears but they just kept coming out. Naruto came out of Sasukes room with his bag and walked past them and out the door, when Sasuke heard the door close he cried harder.
"fuck Itachi i ruined everything! I hate love.."
"You didn't ruin anything, i can tell he loves you. he just needs time to heal." the older boy reassured the smaller boy clinging onto him.
"Im going to my room, can you tell Suigetsu to come over?"
"Sure Sasuke." After Itachi responded Sasuke went to his room and laid on his bed. After a bit Suigetsu opened the door.
"Sasuke he's just a boy-" Sasuke looked at Suigetsu with his eyes all puffy, his nose red, and his hair a mess. "fuck i've never seen you like this, you really loved him huh?" Sasuke jus nodded and Suigetsu opened his arms. The raven took the invitation and went to Suigetsu's arms for comfort.

four days later, it was saturday then so its now wednesday.
"Sasuke i've let you stay home for long enough, its time for school get dressed." Sasuke groaned and got up grabbing a random pair of shorts and a black oversized hoodie with his clan symbol on the back. He went to his bathroom and took a quick shower before getting dressed and brushing his teeth. when he looked in the mirror he saw how he looked, the exact same as when Suigetsu had come over but worse.
"No wonder he doesn't like me, i look like shit. whatever." Sasuke sighed and walked downstairs. "im not hungry Itachi." he spoke while walking out the door and to his car. When Sasuke arrived at school no body approached him, he always made an effort to look good at school. There must have been something wrong.

last period
Sasuke walked into his last period which he had with the blonde boy that rejected him. He sat in the way backrow corner seat. When Naruto walked into the classroom he looked so happy, it made Sasuke feel worse. Naruto noticed Sasuke and ran over to where Sasuke was sitting and punched him in the shoulder.
"I was worried about you asshole! you can't just not come to school!" Sasuke looked him in eyes.
"You were worried about me? i doubt that." Naruto saw what Sasuke looked like and mentally cursed at himself. He sat in the seat next to Sasuke, turning towards him.
"im sorry i said that, i was just mad you didn't tell me earlier."
"you have nothing to be sorry about, if you don't love me it's whatever."
"i do love you Sasuke." Sasuke turned away.
"hn." which must have been code for i don't believe you because in that moment Naruto grabbed Sasukes face and kissed him in front of everyone then stood on top of his desk.
"I am very gay for this man, I love him!" Naruto yelled as Sasukes face got red.
"Sit down Naruto, before i give you detention." Kakashi spoke making Naruto quickly sit back down.
"you didn't have to do that Naruto."

"i did it because i love you."

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