We're Through 2

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Note : TangledOctopus, your character is Myra. She comes in soon....


My door burst opening then closed quickly again, i lifted my head to see my twin brother, Joe with a smug expression on his face as he stared at the door. He turned around and his expression was wiped off his face with worry and anger. He walked to my bed and pulled me into a hug.

"How you holding up"He whispered to me, i wiped away a few stray tears

"Wonderful (!)"I said, sarcasem filing my croaked voice. He rubbed my arm as i leaned on his shoulder

"Three years Joe. I gave him the three best years of my life"I croaked angrily.

"Is this a bad time  to say 'I told you so' " He asked, i nudged him hard.

"No, it's a perfect time to say that, i have a broken heart but sure say i told you so"I replied annoyed, he smiled at me slightly

"At least you havn't lost your sense of humour"He muttered, holding me tight. He smelt of grass and was really sweaty.

"If you want be to beat him up, i'll do it in a second, in fact i gotta make a few phone calls. I guess i should let..Chelsea in"He said letting go, kissing my forehead. I watched him leave my room, opening the door, Chelsea ran straight in, pushing Joe out.

"Sammy"She said softly, pulling me into her arms. I burst out crying again, crying into her shoulder

"H-he just dumped me, Chels' i didn't do anything. At all"I stuttered out. I felt her tense

"Sammy, you didn't know did you.."She trailed. I looked into her Big brown eyes.

"Know w-what"I asked, she shook her head.

"He was cheating on you"She said, i felt numb. I felt the tears leave my eyes. He cheated.

"Your too innocent some times"She murmured, stroking my hair. It fell out of it's pony tail.

"The Bastard"I Managed to spit out. She laughed slightly.

"You don't say"She muttered. We snuggled into my bed while watching a romantic film

"I'll Always love you, No matter what"

"LIES"I shouted, throwing my box of tissues at my T.V. Chelsea looked at the time and gasped.

"Oh crap, I gotta go Sam. I'll text you okay? I'll see ya tomorrow?"She said uncertain, i nodded and hugged her goodbye. She took one last look at me and left.  I sniffled and hit my pillow. He cheated The pain went through my broken heart. I held back the tears, and cleared of the bed and walked into the bathroom.

I sighed, I'm the hollow shell of the girl in the mirror. I blinked, she blinked. Her eyes red and puffy from crying, her hair an absolute mess, with it pointing all directions. Ice cream was around her mouth, with dried tear stains on her shirt. She wiped off the ice cream stains and washed her face, watching the drips off water fall from her face.

I Left the bathroom, debating whether i should go and see Joe. I groaned and left my room and walked towards Joe's voice coming from the kitchen downstairs

"...- Just do it"He snapped, hanging up the phone. I raised an eyebrow at him

"That's what she said?"I asked, he spun round. smiling at me

"All three of them"He said cockily. I shivered

"Ewwww"I said in disgust, he smirked at me

"Don't worry about Fin. He's....Being dealt with"Joe trailed. My eyes went wide

"You havn't killed him have you?!" I had to ask.

"No..just got some people"He said vaguely. I sighed and let it slide. I felt my phone vibrate and looked at the text from Chels'

Operation: Get Back At Fin Harley is a go - Chels' xxx

I smirked slightly at it. He won't know what hit him....


Uploading Wednesday....  :D

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