We're Through 34 part 2

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  • Dedicated to To the people who read this :)

Tuesday Cont-

I sighed as mum kissed my forehead one more time as dad's horn beeped.

"We're only a phone call away, just call us if you feel sick or anything. We'll be back this weekend"She repeated, I nodded as she gave me one last hug.

"I'll see you soon"She whispered, leaving the room. The door closed with a small thud and a few moments later I had the car go and then silence.

I sighed as I looked around the room, the thunder quietened down but it was still heavy rainfall. I rubbed the back of my head as the pain continued to throb, I frowned as last night came back to me and I groaned, hitting my head on the pillow, then hissing in pain.

"Damn it"I muttered, I kept my hand there, hoping the pan would die away as my other hand traced my lips. Why the hell did I enjoy that kiss?! I flinched slightly and groaned.

"Damn you Jason Jay. Damn you to hell"I whispered, as I slowly got out of bed, reaching for my pictures.

My hand clasped onto the pile of pictures that I have yet to throw away and I threw them over my bed and frowned at each one.

I smiled slightly at one, it was the day we went to the park, I had my hands wrapped round his neck as he grabbed my waist. This was taken about a week before he asked me to be his girlfriend. I sighed as the memory played in my head, the picture clear as day...


I laughed as he grabbed my waist.

"Finathon!"I screamed, holding onto his neck, the camera went off as he prepared to lift me in the air. I screamed in laughter as he spun me around, his feet got caught up and we landed to the floor with a thud. I laughed as I rolled off him.

"Thanks for cushioning my fall Finathon"I smiled as he sent me a frown.

"My name isn't Fianthon"He said confused, I smirked at him as grass got caught in my hair.

"It is now"I shrugged with a laugh, he pretend to glare at me, humour clear in his eyes.

"Fine then your name is...Samanthon"He decided, leaning on his elbows, I laughed freely as I stared up at him.

"My name is Samantha, Samanthon doesn't bother me"I smirked as his face fell but an evil smirk came up with amusement twinkling in his eyes.

"Fin.."I trailed as he slowly got up. My eyes widened as his hands attacked my sides, tickling me to death.

"FIN! S-Stop!"I yelled in laughter, tears falling down my face, he grinned.

"I will once you say my name isn't Finathon!"He laughed evily as gasped.

"N-never, F-Fina-a-thon"I giggled as he continued to tickle, I was gasping for breath for my burning lungs.

"Ready to give in?"Fin asked to my red face, I glared at him as laughter bubbled from my mouth.

"O-okay, y-our n-name isn't F-Finathon"He grinned and stopped tickling me. I took in a lungful of air and sat up.

"It's Finantha"I breathed out, he gaped at me as I smirked, I quickly rushed to my feet and sprinted away, with Fin on my tail

"Ahh..Young Love"I heard a woman say, I stopped and Fin ran into my ground, making us go back to the floor. I groaned as we landed with an "oof"

"Why'd you stop"He asked me as he flipped us around, him on top of me as His arms were place next to my head, My stomach flipped slightly making my heart flutter.

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