We're Through 32

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A VERY Important note at the end, YOU HAVE TO READ IT!!! Oky read on :)


Sam's P.O.V

The rest of the day flew by as I heard the final bell ring, I slowly raised out of my seat as my aching body walked into the car park, a plan sparking in my head.

I smiled as my eyes targeted Joe's car, seeing no one next to it. I quickly walked over there and opened the door, knowing that Joe never lock's his car. I let out a sigh of relief as I hot-wired the car, hearing it hum under me. I threw my bag into the backseat and buckled up.

"SAM!"I heard Joe yell, fury in his eyes. I smiled innocently at him and pulled out of the parking space.

"I'm teaching you a lesson dear brother. 1. Never Say you'd give me a lift and then don't and 2." I stopped the car next to him, locking the doors. "Alway's lock your car"I grinned and drove out of school quickly.

I left one hand on the wheel and another on the gears, as I zoomed down the road's with one thought on my mind, he is going to kill me. I gulped and decided to make a detour to the Mall. I carefully followed the signs as I messed around with the stations.

"Today we will be speaking about love and rela-"I quickly switched to the next station.

"...Call this number if your in a troubled relationship or confused about your feel-"I groaned as I continued to change the stations.

"'Honeymoon. That was Fall Out Boy with I'm like a Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off. Now today we are talking with our one and only, Cupid! She will be telling you how to realize you like a guy, even if you don't know it yet!"The announcer yelled, I groaned at my radio as I looked for a parking spot.

"Hey guys, So how many of you have tha special guy that gives you unknown sensations?"The woman asked, I gritted my teeth as that damn voice popped up, YOU DO!

"And how many of you are in denial?"She asked again.

"I'm not in denial! I have no feelings what-so-ever for Jay"I shouted at the radio. I saw people giving me weird glances as I parked the car, still in my seat waiting for the woman to talk.

"Ha, not so smart now are ya?"I asked, feeling smug when it washed over me and I smacked my forehead, I'm talking to the damn radio.

Yes. Yes you are. I groaned at the stupid voice and decided to go back home, ready to get the yelling over and done with.

"If you yelled at the radio saying your not in denial, sweetheart you are"The woman came on again. I groaned, I thought she shut up?

"Well darling, if your disagreeing with me right now. Here's a question for you, does this guy make you feel warm inside, do you get lost in his eyes?"She asked. He only makes me feel warm cause of his smile and how can you not get lost in his eyes.

"If you agreed to those questions, well baby your in-"The radio went fuzzy as I got home.

"I'm in what? WHAT?"I yelled, to the now broken radio. I waited a few moments before grabbing my bag and slamming the car door close as I saw Joe open the front door. I gulped and my eyes darted around looking for escape. Run? He'll catch me. Cry? He'll know I'm faking.

"Sam. You are so dead. I'll give you to the count of three to get a head start."He told me calmly, His eyes full of rage. I quickly sprinted into the house, I was halfway up the stairs when he came through the door.

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