We're Through 33 part 2.

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This is 13 pages long on word O.O Hope you like it :D


I smiled to myself as I closed my door, I heard Joe yelling and swearing as I got changed out of my clothes from yesterday into a light blue top which clinged to me and a pair of quarter lengths. I slipped on a pair of whit flats and tied my hair into a pony tail.

"Sam!"Joe yelled as I opened my door, I shot him a grin and skipped down te stairs.

"Enjoy your breakfast?"I asked, he glared at me as I dumped his washing onto the floor.

"Clean washing? Done. Breakfast? Ah Done. Hmm what else was it, clean your room? Done"I smiled at him as he glared at me.

"Worst. Slave. Ever"He muttured, I rolled my eyes and sat on the counter.

"Nope, I'm just smarter than you"I said smugly, he froze slightly and turned to me with a smirk on his face.

"I order you to say that i'm the oldest, awesome-st, brother in the whole world"His smirk widened as my mouth dropped.

"One! Your only older by a few minutes and two, your not awesome"I spat. He still smirked at me.

"I'll tell mum"He sang, my only retort was to glare at him and sigh.

"Your the oldest, awesome-st brother in the whole wide world"I said sarcastically, he grinned at me, ignoring my sarcastic ways.

"Thanks Little sister, lets go"He sung as he dragged me out the house.

"I havn't even had breakfast"I protested, he shrugged his shoulders as he pushed me into his car.

"Too bad"was his great answer, I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, my stomach grumbling in hunger as we drove to school. I bit my lip as I looked down to my bag, my unfinished homework taunting me as Joe zoomed along.

"It's your fault"I mumbled, he raised an eyebrow

"Why's that?"He asked, taking a left, I glared out the window.

"Because you made me tidy your room when I could of finished homework"I whined, he snorted and turned into school.

"Don't sound like a geek at all Sam."He muttered, I rolled my eyes and got out the car, the bag hanging off my shoulder.

"I might be in the principle's office if you need me later"I told him, walking away.

"What? WHY?!"He yelled after me, I laughed slightly.

"You'll see."I shouted back, A smile set on my face as I entered the boring building. My eyes scanned the hallways, trying to find Myra or Hannah, maybe Chelsea. I looked over to my locker to see no one by it. I frowned and blew my fringe out of my face.

"Sam!"I heard a deep voice call me, I turned to see Alex leaning against the wall, smiling at me. I glared at him.

"Do you not remember my warning?"I asked, crossing my arms. He rolled his eyes and crossed his own arms.

"I need your help"He whispered as I got closer, I frowned.

"With what?"I asked confused, He sighed and ran hid hand through his hair.

"I...kinda...like...Hannah"He mumbled, my eyes widened and looked at him with a shocked expression.

"You like Hannah!"I nearly yelled when he gave me a frightened look.

"Could you say that any louder?!?" He whisper-yelled, I smirked slightly.

"YOU LI-"His hand covered my mouth in mid-yell. He released my mouth as I smiled innocently.

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