part 3: imposter syndrome

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lexes POV

I just finished my first night with the other minions.

it was exhausting, to say the least, everyone was running around like headless chickens. how stupid. I sighed as a slammed my head into my pillow. I couldn't sleep for 15 minutes but I ended up falling into a deep sleep for the rest of the night.

I soon woke up to complete silence I must have woken up early. I lifted my head off my pillow and looked around me no one was awake. I sighed as I laid my head down again drifting off asleep again.

all I saw was black a loud static sound filled the area. I stepped up from my bed. "hello" my voice echoed across the place, "is anybody there?" my entire body shook, "what is happening" I shouted. suddenly a creature resembling me appeared it had a white outline and I breathed heavily. "w.ho are y.ou?" my voice grew shaky. "I am you" the creature looked up and a wide smile grew across its face. crystals grew out of its face and body it had its right eye bandaged and its other eye was a small face... that can't be right. "b.back away y.y.ou" I felt shaky and in pain "g.go away b.iii.tch" I trembled. the figure go closer and closer I fell paralysed. "what the fuck did you just call me" the creature shouted at me. before it could do anything else I woke up to expunged calling me.

my eyes fluttered open, "good morning 569" expunged smirked. "good morning" I lifted my head up "you can just do anything now you are now officially a minion go do whatever" expunged smiled. already like don't I have to prove royalty? 

I walked past two minions who were talking, they peeked to look at me and giggled slightly. what did I do? I shrugged it off and continued walking but more and more minions would look at me and giggle. I walk up to poip and ask why everyone was laughing. poip turned to look at me and concern filled his expression

"uh, your eye" poip said "WHAT what happened to my eye" I shouted out. "well uh your left eye is like a mini face" poip talked slowly and sounded unsure. embarrassed I cover my left eye.

I do not belong here I'm a freak. I ran away from poip and sat in my bed, I slowly curled into a ball and sobbed. I then saw a small mirror next to me. I slowly lifted it and saw my face... I was ugly, a single tear formed in my eye and I quickly dropped the mirror. I curled back up into a ball.

I am ugly, I shouldn't be here, and no one will accept me.

poip walked up and tapped my shoulder. "are you ok" poip rested his hand on my shoulder.

"y..yes, I am poip" my voice was shaking and I wiped my tears away. poip then hugged me...

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