part 7: found

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baasima POV

---time skip---

so I recently met this girl called lex (well she changed her name to lex) shes actually really nice to me. I've been sharing my apartment for a week with her. She's on the run from her creator. I have no clue about what her creator is like but they sound like a massive prick.

she recently got some new clothes so she can disguise herself as someone else because expunged is becoming a huge threat to her for some reason. I've also noticed she has grown surprisingly close to me, I have noticed she is getting slightly more embarrassed around me like I could greet her and she would just completely change around me.

the day started as normal I would make breakfast and lex would wake up and have it with me and I would go to my volunteering job at the local dog shelter and go to college, and lex would look after the apartment. it's like I do this and you help me by doing something for me.

"bye lex" I shouted as I walked out the front door, "bye baasima" lex shouted back as she peeped her head through the kitchen.

I walked outside of the apartment flat and walked over to the bus stop. once it arrived I hoped on it and headed off to my college.

lexes POV

It's been 2 hours since baasima left and nothing has really happened. I just sat myself down with coffee and watched a bit of TV. a ring then came from the wall phone. I sighed and walked over to the phone, I picked it up and answered the call. "hello?" I heard nothing but static coming from the phone so I just put it back on the hook and walked back to the TV. before I could sit down the phone rang again so I just picked it up again. "hello?" I waited a couple of seconds and I got an answer this time "hello 569" my heart sank it was expungeds voice. "who are you" I said changing my voice slightly in an attempt to trick expunged. "I know it's you 569" I felt a chill go up my spine like expunged was behind me " l.l.lex" I tried to trick expunged again to no avail. "you can't trick me" I was starting to panic "uh I you have the wrong number" I quickly hung up and phoned baasima.

"Hello?" baasima said "hi baasima..". "oh hi lex what's wrong?" baasima voice grew slightly quiet. "I got a call on the phone and I think expunged found me!" I said in a panic. "oh wait let me ask to get back" baasima seemed calm... 

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