The Future is Now

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Chapter 1

November 7

Genesis 15: 1

"...The word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision:
'Do not be afraid, Abram. I am
'your shield, your very great


We shift from fear to faith (F2F) when we remember that we have nothing to be anxious about, because God promises us his protection and reward.

Anything and everything good that our heart desires is in and made readily available to us from God. Fear says to see what the present moment is lacking, as Abram initially did when he didn't see an heir to whom he could leave his legacy. His greatest desire was an heir. His worry was he wouldn't have one. In other words, eyes of worry focused in on what was missing, instead of what was possible.

Faith says to see the future as if it is the present moment, as God taught Abram, letting Abram know that he will have a son. Faith revealed a promise.

Whatever we envision existing in God with eyes of faith exists at that moment as a promise of what will come. God makes the future now. Why? Because, just as we do, what we desire within us already exists within God, the source of all creation.

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