When The Ground Stars Alight

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Chapter 61

January 6

Psalm 27:1,3

The Lord is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid? Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.



God acquires the names by which we come to know Him through the actions He takes on our behalf. He's so true to His nature, His behavior tells us who He is.

Similarly, as has been famously observed, our thoughts become our words. Our words become our actions. Our actions define our character. And our character determines our destiny. In this regard, the difference between God and us is that we have to work at developing ourselves into our full potentials as human beings. Over time we change.

God's fully mature. He's the same yesterday, today and forever more. But there's still a whole lot more of Himself that He's eager for us to get to know. Every time we open the bible He's telling us that He's an "open book." Every time we open our hearts, He'll reveal Himself to us in new ways. This is not a contradiction.

Once God's done something a certain way, He never does it that way again. (Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.) This prevents us from thinking we can guess how He's going to help us in our times of need. The ego is obsessed with knowing "how" beforehand. And this leads to us looking for a specific event or way for our prayer to be answered. Too often the way we want the answer to come to us ends up replacing the One we're asking for the answer.

If we can guess, then who gets the glory? It makes a far more profound statement when we're helped in a way that we couldn't of imagined in our wildest dreams. And with each new way we receive help, He reveals more about Himself to us and to the world. He's expanded by testimony.

God wants to do new and exciting things for us, revealing to us more of Himself. As He does so, considering that we're made in His image, we're able to get to know more about ourselves.

When God created the world, He first made light and separated it from darkness (Genesis 1:2-5). This light and darkness had nothing to do with the Sun, moon or stars. It represented fear. He introduced faith into an environment of fear and separated the two, setting the stage for choice.

Together we're a single body made up of many different individual smaller bodies. As more of us are born, the body grows, God's house expanding over the planet's surface. Each one of us is born as a single point of light, a vessel for faith. (Just to exist is a statement of enormous faith.) To retain and expand the light is our purpose. But the world still retains that original part of itself, the darkness that once covered the surface of the deep.

Our physical bodies, which house our Godly Spirit, were built from the world material. In this way we've been created in a choice environment. Our collective calling is to choose the inner light of our Spirit over the outer darkness of our flesh.

Faith over fear.

Like war, one side purposes to gain inches, feet, miles of the enemy's territory. From birth, babies are filled with reasons to fear, covering their light with darkness. They grow up forgetting who they are. But the least amount of darkness instilled allows for them to remember at an earlier age. From that moment of remembrance, when they wake up, they're able to spend more years expanding their light into their respective communities, dispelling darkness, gaining vital ground.

But for those who're filled with darkness in abundance, they hold within them terrible measures of psychological and emotional pain. Blind to their condition, not having a clue on what to do with it, only wanting to get it out of them, they visit their pain on others. And, in this way, darkness's territory expands in the world, wherever it can turn off the lights.

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