The Meaning of Words

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Psalm 91:5-6, 14-15

5-6. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.

14-15. "Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him."


When we try to comprehend the Infinite Unlimited using energy analogously to describe God can help our minds obtain a greater conceptual understanding. Also, this mental exercise helps us understand why we have, on one hand, examples of spiritual unity and, on the other, examples of religious division.

"God is light; in Him, there is no darkness" (1 John 1:5). Generally speaking, in a phenomenon called wave-particle duality, light energy exists as both wave and particle, depending on observation. When thinking about our relationship with God, and God's with us, this phenomenon helps us differentiate between ego (fear) and Spirit (faith) approaches to prayer. If God is thought of as being a wave until observed (in prayer), collapsing God into a particle, then God's seen as concurrently Universal and personal.

The 'wave' side can represent God as "The Nature and Characteristics of How People and Things Interact with Each Other and The effects of These Interactions," or, simplified, as "The Way Things Work."

"The Way Things Work" represents a state of being that possesses infinite potential. There's no limit on what God can do and on how God can do it. This is the "image" of God, from Genesis 1:26-27, in which we've been made.

The error occurs when we return the favor, making God in the image of our limited beliefs. This happens when we, first, internalize the world's fear-based ideas, attitudes and beliefs of limitation and lack. Then, second, we project this corrupted image of limitation onto God. This would represent us collapsing God down into a personalized particle that bears no resemblance to who and what God is and we are.

Faith is the criteria by which God works through people (1 Samuel 3:8-9). God's provision is as large as our faith (2 Kings 50:24). Faith grows with exercise (Genesis 50:24).

Faith understands that the more we get to know God the more we get to know ourselves. How do we get to know God?

Faith is a particular state of being--confident-assurance. This state reveals its existence within a person through specific types of action. Actions are how we sow seeds into our life. Actions are the loudest form of prayer; they're made inside of God, whether we're conscious of this being, or want this to be, the case or not. Faith actions are heuristically inclined. They're contribution driven and they bring about new positive experiences in our life. These experiences are the fruit of our faith-sown seeds. And the forms that this fruit takes are God's way of revealing Himself to us.

What God does and provides is who God is.

Fear also reveals itself by the specific types of action it takes. Fear actions are problem focused. They cause the repeat of old experiences.

God opens and introduces more of Himself through new experiences. Though all experiences occur inside of God, only faith experiences come from God personally. Fear experiences, on the other hand, are a consequence of "The Way Things Work."

There's the wave. And there's the particle. The wave is Universal; as in, the rules of the Universe. The particle is personal, the "rules" of faith and love.

As we stretch ourselves, leaning out of our comfort zone, into the unknown toward the accomplishment of positive, pro-social goals, the resulting new experiences expand our mind and heart. And a mind expanded by a new faith-inspired experience can never return to its original dimensions.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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