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My head feels like someone keep stabbing my brain. Oh god I really need Al this time. I slowly open my eyes just to close them back. The brightness are blinding. I can't move my hands nor leg. Fuck. Does arm bleeding will make you paralyzed?

I grunt before forcing my eyes to open. There's not one guy but there's three fucking three. God I'm kidnapped. My hands were chained, my feet aren't on the floor they're hanging. I shoot my brows up to the men standing in front of me. One of them I recognize from the hospital, others are just normal standard guys, kinda handsome but not like the grey eyed man. He intrigued me. The grey eyed man smirks for no reason. Oh god, for the first time I find a guy handsome turns out he's sick.

looks like they aren't gonna understand my brows language so I use my voice instead. "Why am I here exactly?"  

"Didn't even ask who I am?" The grey eyed man ask. "Okay so who are you?" He then chuckles, a dark one I might add. Woo I'm getting goosebumps. "Damn, I like her" Another guy voice out, kinda handsome too. "Aww I like you too. Care to get an aspirin for me?" I ask.  He's kinda the cheerful type, I like his vibe. "Aww I'm afraid I can't do that  sweetheart unless you answer to our questions" He said, at least they aren't scaring me.

"Shoot them, boy"

"Who are you?" The grey eyed guy asks. Just before I can answer, Anayla came in, cursing the guards, I guess, that bringing her in. "Bitch, you got kidnapped too?" She then laugh but doesn't last long. She got chained too beside me. "The fuck you doin' here? Thought you were sleeping" I whisper ignoring all the stares from the three guys in front of us. "Simple, that guy knock my door, get in my house, kidnapped me" She point to another guy, he looks kinda cold, no smile but not scary. I sigh. 

"How's your hand?" She ask. "It feels so fucking nice you know" I said, sarcasm laced my tone.

"Ohh I don't know though" She smirks. "For fucks sake y'all were kidnapped and y'all can still talk pretending like we're not here?" The cheery guy voice out yet again, the two others just look at us, amusement flashing their eyes. I rolled my eyes before speaking again. "Let's be fair here, unchained us, we can talk."

"It'll be stupid of us to do that, no?" The grey eyed man finally talk again. God his voice, bless my virgin ears. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion same goes to Anayla. "Unchaining a highly skilled shooter will end up you getting killed." He said. He fucking knows about me, I turned to Anayla, and she somehow understand my mind. "Someone does homework, I see." I said before dropping my playful demeanor. "The fuck you want?" I said making the cheery guy flinched a bit. I'm sorry baby.

"Where's my stuffs?" My eyes widened. There's only once me and Anayla went against Q's back to steal the Russian, Italian, and Spanish mafia's shipments for fun and fucking burn them because we got no idea what to do with them. There's a high possibility we might be high that particular day. "Ashes" I said making their eyes snapped to me. I gave them the most innocent smile I can give. "What?" 

"Burned to ashes." Al said and their faces turns into something dark. "Qadira? Is that right? Your friend name." The grey eyed man ask. Oh shit this is not going to end well. They know me, they probably know Anayla, I couldn't risk Al's and Q's life. "Listen, you and me know well, I can't give you your stuff back, so rather than making the situation worse, why don't tell me what you want?" I said, my tone was cold, void of any emotions unlike before this. 

"Work for me." He said, amusement swirled in his eyes. "Explain." I spat. Just when I thought I'm gonna repent my mistakes and lead a normal life another problem came knocking my life's door.  A normal life like working my ass off for money. It's not that I'm not gonna take up his offer if he goin to offer me a huge ass amount. If I ever get to meet god, I'll make sure he regret creating me.

"I'm gonna need you to do the same shit you've been doing but in different circumstances." My curiosity is at its peak. People say curiosity kills the cat. Imma say it's true. "Such as?" Al snapped her head at me as if asking me 'What the hell are you tryna do here?'  "You will be doing your work in a room full of criminal. Once you get in, there's a possibility you won't come out, alive." He said making my adrenaline rush increasing as it already have. I'm someone who likes shit that could cost your lives and I won't hesitate to do any thing to keep mine safe. This is gonna be interesting. "How much you gonna pay me?" He smirks telling me he's pleased with my answer. "5 million" He said making me laugh. "You think I can't get 5 million if I wanted to just like that, huh?" I snapped my fingers showing just how easy I can get  that If I wanted to. "Tell me how much you want?" Now I smirked pleased with his answers.

"No idea. I'll think about it later. It's only me who'll work for you, She'll be off limit even Qadira. Al glare at me before she kick my ribs, not that hard to leave bruises but it hurts like bitch. I like the bitch I am just laugh before snorting my flu that's threatening to come out from just now. Before she can say anything I cut her off. "I can't risk your live and Q's. You're a doctor and she's a lawyer, go and pursue your dream, you and Q got shit to live for. I got nothing, like literally no point of living. If I'm dead no one's gonna give shit yet alone plan a funeral for me. That's how pathetic I am. Y-" I didn't even finish my sentence before she cut me off. "Yeah you're pathetic if you hadn't realize it before this. But I'm not gonna fucking just leave you with this bastards just for my dream. Get that shit clearly in your thick skull." She spat. I don't know if I should be happy listening to her mini speech or cry because of her dumbness to involve herself in something that give you no guarantee of living. "Listen don't be dumb a-" She cut me off yet again and glare at the scary and cold dude.

"I'm with her." He just nod while trying hard to hide his amusement with his hand, rubbing his subtle.  The cheery guy have long gone after getting a phone call. And now I know why he's gone. He's bringing Q with him actually carrying her to be precise over his shoulder. Making her curse him all the way in. Me and Al laugh at her condition because she hates physical touch yet alone from guys.

"Bájame o te tiro la polla." (put me down or I'll fucking throw your dick off.) she spat making  him chuckle before putting her down. "Será mucho más fácil si no hubieras matado a mis hombres."(It'll be so much easier if you hadn't killed my men). The fact that he can speak Spanish throw Q off guard. Now she's chained too. The grey eyed men then signal something to his guards making our chained hands goes off. As comically as it sounded, me and Al sheepishly turn our gaze towards Q who didn't stop glaring at us the whole time. "Fucking explain Vera Hernandez." She doesn't ask Al because Al being the bitch she signal her eyes towards me, indicating that I'm the one who started this.

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