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Each of us gets a room and Khai said he'll explain the details tomorrow. It's 2 in the morning and I opened the door of my room and went straight to where the guys have been smoking near the balcony. It has nice view actually. Fucker have a nice taste. "We need to talk" I command and three of them snapped their necks towards me. Khai raised a brow, Sean just smile, Alessio continue to smoke his cigarettes. God, It's been so long since I touch that shit. I didn't even wait for their respond and stalks towards the unoccupied sofa while taking out my cigarette. "Lighter?" I ask to Alessio and he throws the lighter to me which I caught easily. I light it up and exhale a puff. Everything's too much today.

I throw my head back enjoying the feeling before Khai voice breake my euphoric feeling. "Speak." I rolled my eyes. "I'm the only one who agrees to work with you not them. So they are never involve." Three pairs of eyes directed to me before I continue Alessio cut me off. "Your point?"

"Be patient please." I inhale and exhale a puff again before continue. "They need to be back before dawn." I said making Alessio's brow shoot up and Khai's expression fills with amusement. Sean just shrugged and drowning himself to sleep not wanting to involve in this drama. "what makes you think we'll do that" Alessio asked, curiosity laced his tone.

"Alessio" I drag "or should I call you Ares?" My face turns blank. "Trust me I know y'all do just that. And we don't want to fucked anything up, right?" I ask while smirking before inhale another puff and hold the cigarettes between my fingers and leaned back. Oh baby, try to fuck this up and I'll fuck your life so bad that I'll make sure to remove the word happiness in your life dictionary. God hates me for a reason.

He chuckle. "You fucking knew." He breathed out. Defeated. "Okay" He said agreeing to the deal so fast and my suspiciousness keep growing every second. "Nah you don't have to doubt me, I kinda need Anayla out from my sight. She's making me feel something and it's scary" Now I shoot my brows up. The stupid mafia has a crush on my bestfriend?

"Hold up, you're having a crush?" I smirked when he turns red and defend himself so bad. "No." Alessio said, while stalking towards me and ask for my cigarettes. I roll my eyes and pass it towards him. "Is she- um- you know- I mean like" He stutters and I don't even know what to respond. "You got to speak up bro." 

"Bro? Since when I'm your bro" 

"Since you fucking ask for my cigarettes and since you having a whole ass crush on my bestfriend." He groaned and drop beside me on the sofa, holding his head between his hands. "Is she single?" He ask and I nod. "Warning, she fucks and dump, no commitments" I said  making him smirk.  

"Bro where's my lighter?" Alessio ask me. "Oh wait." I grab the lighter from my pocket and hand it to him. "Okay, I'll send her tonight." He then stand up and try to walk out before  I stop him. "Hey listen, she's stubborn and she won't listen to your bullshit. You- um-can you-" He smirk. "You got to speak up bro."

"Fuck." I mutter, I just can't bring myself to ask him to sedate her. she'll fucking hate me. "Sedate Anayla dumbass" A deep voice cut the conversation between me and Alessio, it's definitely from Khai and I knew it very well cause his voice does something to my hormones. "Yeah continue to act as if she doesn't have a mouth." Sean muttered, I glare at him. "Don't fucking look at me like that. I'll send Q." He said while walking towards me before drop beside me yet again like Alessio did. But this time Alessio stop on his tracks and turn to face me and Sean. 

"How about Q? Is she um- you know- like" I sigh. "Are y'all in your crushing era?" I ask dumbfounded which makes Sean and Alessio sigh. Why would they be sighing when I clearly should? "V, is she having some sort of problem" He ask which really throw me off guard. "Why would you be asking it?"

"You know every time I look at people, the eyes are first thing I study, When I look at her, they seem dead and- and I fucking don't know what's wrong." he said rubbing his forehead. "before you come to any conclusion, I'm not having a goddamn crush, I'm a doctor and I want to help her for a reason. I hate it when I don't know something. It intrigues me so bad." He said making my brows shoot up. I'm officially stuck with delusional guys.

"You called me V?" I ask. It's the most important ting right now. "Out of everything I said, that's the only thing you get." Frustratingly it sounds but yes. "Nah bro, it's not my position to talk about it. You gotta ask her yourself. Man up" I said making Sean chuckle. Before he walk out I grab his wrist. "can you- um" 

"yeah don't worry, I'll sedate her." I smile half heartedly. I've never done any mission without them. Whatever it is, they'll always are going to be in the picture. I just can't bear the guilt anymore. The guilt of bringing them down when they could get a life out there. A safe life, sweet boyfriend, dream job everything they could ever wanted. Since I've known them, they never did anything for themselves, instead will always look out for each other. Al loved oreos so much yet she always left some for me, her pride will stop her from giving it to me. Q will always make sure Al have money every time to eat, to buy whatever the hell she want. Who do you think making sure Al have money in her bank account? 

Looking back, I did nothing but being selfish. I couldn't cry nor would I. But the thoughts of them hurting because of me just doesn't sit right. "Stop overthinking." The familiar voice bring me back to reality. His voice kinda comforting.

"huh" I said, breaking my trance. He then walks towards me slowly. He kneeled down in front of me and I just stare at his grey eyes seeking for some hope. My sanity long gone the minute he take hold of my hand in a firm grip yet doesn't hurt me. It feels some sort of hope that I longed for so long. "Let it out" He whispered. 

That is what needed for me to break. I cried. He hugged me pushing my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry." I keep repeating that. Sorry for everything. I shouldn't have involve them. It's my fault. But I should have realized it sooner. I feel disgusted. I didn't know the impact that it held, I really didn't. I'm sorry. 

I cry and I cry until the point I couldn't anymore. "Sleep, I'm right here" He whispered softly. 

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