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I woke up with a massive hangover. Nothing about last night registered in my brain, like nothing happen last night. The only shit I remember was how Khai's demeanor change while talking to me, the authority in his voice made me squirm, it is surprising cause no men have ever had this effect on me. The only time I care about men's opinion is their pov's in novels. Duh.

His tone last night made me feel small, I felt hurt, or simply betrayed who knows. I don't even know what feeling is that. I groaned as the pain in my head intensified. "Is there someone hammering my head?" I asked, just in case there's someone doing that shit to me. I rolled myself out from the blanket that wrapped me just to realized, I'm in Khai's bedroom yet again. The only difference was last time I woke up in Khai's embrace, now alone. Then something make sense, he said that he'll be meeting with mexican something something. God he left me. I thought I'll force him to bring me or worse blackmailed him. Shouldn't have listen to Al last night. 

I reached out for my phone and walk to the toilet to brush my teeth. No showering today as I'm lazy. I called Al, while brushing my teeth and bitch answered, thank god, I was going to go rampage and kill her and submit myself to god. 

"God, dude, my head" She groaned, I bet she just woke up. "Nah my head's perfectly fine, I didn't feel like someone's hammering my head for the past few hours." I retorted. I would have said worst. "Good for you, did you know that they brought Alessio too. When I woke up the Luciana inform me."

"Who the hell is Luciana?" I asked. New character or what? God I hate new shit. 

"The maid. Well, I was um thinking um.." She drag, I sigh and spoke with full mouth of toothpaste hoping she'll understand. "spot iut aut witch" 


I spit the toothpaste out and speak sternly. "spit it out" 

"I was wondering if you'd join me to a lil visit on mexicans?" I can sense the mischievous at her voice making my lips slowly turn into a smirk. I mean, I've been waiting for this. "Who's in?"

"As for Q, I think we'll have to kidnapped her." She said. "Okay then pick me up, then we carry Q with us and vroom vroom to a 'top 3 way of you getting kill' place. You in?"

"Ceh, I'm always in. See you at 9" I glance at the time at my phone and there's only half and hour for 9. "You sure?" I ask again, you see we can't really trust a hangover person who might still be drunk who knows. "Yeah, I'm kinda lazy to shower." God, I thought it was only me. I smile maybe today is a lazy shower day.

"Keyh bye." I wave her off and end the call without waiting her to reply. I quickly grab Khai's oversized shirt and who's pants I don't know and wear em. Oh shit bra, no need for bra. I got no tits after all. I guess we'll be just peeking on them, no action. I raced down towards the kitchen and swallow a bread that was served on a table. "Hey mrs, Vitto, can you help me do the braids for my hair. I wanted to try that style long time. Every time I try it for myself, my hair ended up becoming a bird nest ya know." I said while eyeing them. They were looking stunned to speak, what did I say wrong? Is it wrong to speak to maids in this house. "Erm, Mrs.Vitto I'm sorry but-" I began and was immediately cut off by her. I was relief to see a smile playing on her lips. 


"well that was creepy, I mean why would they stare at you like that?" Al ask me. She pick me up exactly at 9 o'clock and we managed to convince Q to follow us somehow. It took few bottles of beer from me and Al to please her. I finished my beer stocks, same goes to Al, I guess.

"V, are you aware of what y'all doing?" Q ask, concern laced her tone. "We know, You just lead us in and lead us out back, safely." Al shrugged. "Al I feel like something's wrong here. Al just so you know we got zero weapons with us, either we'll go back with the boys in pieces or we dead" I said a little too menacingly. Q sigh. "This is wrong Al, but who cares let's just fuck it." 

"Fancy coming from you. " I said to Q cause I know she's half heartedly saying that. she rolled her eyes before my phone began to rang. "Hello?"

"V, turn the car right now, I'll meet you in the house." Khai voiced sound so cold at the end of the line, I hummed while signaling my finger to Al to take a U turn. 'what happen' she mouthed because I haven't end the call yet. "Fucker asks to be home. The audacity for him to order me around is insane." How the fuck he know? 

"No bitch, the real problem is nowwww, how does he know?" That's the shit I've been thinkin. "Saying out loud my thoughts isn't going to help." I squint my eyes at her. "Well, first of all I ain't a psychic." I zoned out not listening to her remark, cause the biggest problem is right now, we were followed.

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