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After that incident, it has been fucking awkward. We clean everything in silent after that. I was thankful they are some songs playing as I can sing along or else I'd die out of the tension. Now, I've dressed up just waiting for Khai to come downstairs to wait for our guests. I was wearing a deep V neck maroon dress, mid thigh length of course with a pair of maroon heels. I love them for no reason or maybe I want tease Khai. "What are you thinking?" Khai voice break my train of thoughts, I turn to look at him to dress simple. A black turtleneck, black slack pants, and a pair of socks. Yeah right, I take off my heels making Khai chuckle. 


She didn't wear the heels, I know she loves them. So, I wear my combat boots although out of style but that's the only shit I can find immediately right now. The way her eyes glanced down at my shoes I know she noticed them, it's the way her eyes light up to wear the heels is stirring something in me. I liked it, I like the mere fact that I made her happy. 

Her voice was so euphonious when she sang the songs I played, I notice she likes Shawn Mendes' songs more so I had to change my Spotify playlist. That could be the reason I was late to come down, I searched for almost all Shawn's songs for her. I want to hear her singing all the time. I'm becoming addicted for her voice slowly which I think it's not a big problem. 

Surprisingly, I danced with her. I don't even know what posses me just now, but I did dance with her. That's the first time I heard her laugh genuinely, carefreely, it was so breathtaking, probably one of the reason I want to keep on listening to her laughs. Her guard was down with me just now that I can feel it. She's different when she's with her friends. It's like she's hiding something trying to be happy and strong. For what reasons, I don't know, but that doesn't sit right with me. I wanted to ask her but then it's not my place nor business to ask.

Now, the biggest fucking problem is I had to solve the bounty issue that involves the dickhead Sean and Qadira. She's a one hell of a dominant woman I've ever met. Their friends group are all built of different breed. Qadira radiates a fearless leadership power, Anayla is an obsessive learner, the way she skimmed and notice everything before she reacts shows that she doesn't trust any other people except her circles and herself, and that's definitely a trait every girl should have. Vera, has exceptional confidence, it's her walk, the way she speaks and thinks, everything shows that she knows what she's doing. On top of that, the three women, aren't afraid of anything that's for sure. Vera can risk herself just for fun by attempt to shoot the goons that want her killed, Anayla can stand up on her own shooting them back helping Vera, Qadira can spill everything while remain her eye contact with me.

Qadira chopped off the mexican second hand in command, Daniel's dick. I was amused b the whole situation where she posted his dick to the mexican mafia. He's a rapist actually, and Q was just helping the victim family. She needs him to agree to the accusation they filed which he successfully did after Sean torture the living fuck outta him. The things get heated when they get  to know Sean's involved too. They can't get help from me nor Alessio cause the second they stepped into my territory, I'll shoot them without even thinking twice. I never liked them but what do I say, god loves me. He gives me a reason to posses the mexican mafia. I know I'm capable of snatching the mexican mafia buat I got no reason to do so. Those dickeads placed a bounty on Q's head, so now we need to have a talk which will definitely creates a war. I'll go with Sean, going with Alessio is risky. He has temper and if he lost it, they'll be damned. I doesn't need more enemy than I already have. 

"Are you planning on ignoring me or what? Cause I surely can ignore you for the rest of your life." That sweet voice cut my thoughts off. I turned to face her only to get glared by her. "I'm not." I said as a matter of fact. "For someone who said he's not you definitely seem like ignoring me." I sigh knowing it's partly true. Before I can answer the bell rings and my guards informed me that they're here. Thank god. She walk past me bumping into my shoulder before giving me the look, this-doesn't-ends-here to which I shudder. 


Everyone was seated waiting for V to serve. It was supposed to be my maids serving us but V insisted to serve us. While she was serving us she tied her hair into a messy bun cause it's keep getting in her way. All of them had the shock look plastered on their faces the second she tied her hair. Since she was behind my back, I was confused as to what they saw that made them so shock. I tuned just to see there's a big ass red spot on V's neck and she was oblivious to our stares. A smug grin automatically reached my lips. I smirk, internally proud of my work even though I know she'll chop my balls for it. 

"Why are y'all staring like y'all saw me making out with an alien?" V voiced out making eye contact with one by one trying to figure out what happen. "Did you really?" Al ask after, her eyes was open wide which seems like her eye balls will fall any second soon. "Really what?" V seems so confused and it's cute. 

"Bro there's  literally a big ass hickey on your neck and you're that oblivious." Sean said that makes V's hand automatically went up covering her neck. "What?" Her eyes scanned everyone and fall on me finally. I smirked. Everyone followed V's gaze and fall onto my smirk that proves I'm the one behind that hickey. Not gonna lie, it really looks hot on her. "What the fuck-" I didn't let Al continue her sentences instead I ordered her to sit cause I need to talk business. She obviously didn't listen to me. 

"Sit Al." Q ordered sternly to which that girl listen and V who's flushed red, came sitting beside me after asking Al's help to serve and raced towards the toilet. I winked and it resulted to her glaring on me intensifies which I thoroughly enjoyed. "Tomorrow, Sean and I will attend a meeting with the Mexican don and I need all of you to be careful. Al stay with Alessio, Q you aren't allowed to step out of Sean's safe house, not in any circumstances except under my order, Sean's or Alessio's. V will be staying here, same rules applied to you." I said tipping my chin towards V, her eyes were wide slightly, looking innocent while digesting all the information. "We don't need any help, I've got back-up and Sean had his men ready so I guess if everything went smoothly, Q's bounty issue will be solved smoothly."

"Can I follow-" "No" I cut V instantly and give her my glare, I'm being dead serious and by my tone I know, they knew I'm serious cause the vibe around us immediately drop. I'm a don, habits die hard, so when I said no it seems a bit intimidating and scary, that's how my men can listen to my words. She starts digging in without any protest. Al wanted to say something but was stopped by Alessio who held her hand and shake his head. Q simply stare at me before avert her gaze and starts eating. 

"Sean don't get drunk. We-"

"When are you leaving" V ask flatly, she didn't face me and I know something's bothering her.

"Tomorrow morning" I said not facing her either. I don't know why, but seeing her all down hurts me. The guilty feeling rises in me. A sigh escaped pass my lips before I turn to her, pulling her chair by my leg wrapped around her chair's leg and pull her closer to me. I grab her chin to face me. "Listen, the place I'm going tomorrow is not safe, especially for a girl like you. And if you're there I can't focus, my thoughts will be on you about your safety, or about how the hickey looks good on you." That made her chuckle softly and a smile crept onto my lips. I leaned down, our foreheads touched and eyes closed. "I can protect myself ." She whispers, her voice filled with concern or maybe determination. "You can, but I always will protect my woman, doesn't matter if she knows self defense or not. I'm not gonna take risk of bringing you there. A place full of monster is the last place I'd bring you." I whisper softly trying to let her understand that it's dangerous. She nod slowly, I kissed her forehead before parting away just to see all of the eyes staring at us with the mouth hangs open.

"What was that?""The fuck, are y'all in a relationship or something.""Are y'all in love?""Do we have to plan a wedding immediately?" All of them ask at once. "Shut it" V mumbles, her face now fully red color, I'm amused. I chuckle rubbing the nape of my neck. 

"I really need alcohol in my system to digest all of this" Al mumble before taking the beer she bought gulping the whole bottle at once. V did the same too, Q was shaking her head trying to stop them but to her avail, they aren't stopping. Q had few shots of vodka, while Alessio was trying to pull the bottle off Al and V. 

"Fuck off you handsome bastard." Al shout, she's definitely drunk.

"All the handsome guys are fucktards you know" V said before sinking herself on the couch at the living room. "Just so you know, I'm not handling them."

"what do you mean by handling them?" Sean ask to which Q shrugged.

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