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Before he can kick me again, I grab his leg and push him. He fell on his back so hard that he hit his head on the wall and it started to bleed. I push myself up while holding my arm, continue running, limping away. "Fuck Al, come on." I say only for the line to go silent I inhale a deep breath. 

Another 11 guys are running, chasing me, slowpokes I laugh although I know I shouldn't. I can feel they are getting nearer to me as I can hear them shouting like stop right there, bitch and so on. I reload my gun and turn to face them only for a fist came meeting with my face. I stumbled back few steps before massaging my jaw. I groaned because they get to me faster than I thought it should have been. Shots rang through the chaos only for the men fall with bullets pierced throgh their chest. I turned to see Al standing there with a gun on her hand while winking at me. "Let's go, run exactly" I laughed, like this is fucking intense and nice. 

"Bitch, your arm?" Al started but I wave her off saying I got them. Black spots started to evade my vision and I couldn't stand straight. Everything's spinning and what the fuck? I hold onto Al's arm. "Sit down, let me check." I refuse by shaking my head, I just need to go home and sleep. "Sit fucking down." Al growl but in a manly voice. "The fuck happen to your voice. Did I become deaf or something?" I ask still walking and I didn't hold onto Al's shoulder. Guess I'm fine.  I bumped into a hard wall and stumbled back, waiting for the impact but none. A hand gripped my waist tightly and I opened my eyes wider to know what's actually happening. A hand yet again make contact with my face, swiped the corner of my lips to which I winced. "Asshole. Move." Everything's blurry, I can't even see shit and soon everything went blank.


"Woman." I groaned silently, this shit would be easier if them, woman had come to me and ask for help. Q came to me explaining shit and here I am glaring at a certain woman in my arms. But my anger soon vanished and it replaced with something new. I carry her in bridal style. "Al, I'm bringing her to my safe house. Follow me and give her the first aid first. She'll be needing that . She have lost a lot of blood." She nod and glance towards the men they both killed and left behind scattering everywhere. I shoot my brows up in shock to be precise. 

"you both did that?" I ask in disbelief cause no way in hell they can shoot 24 men so fast. She smile sheepishly and mutter something like could be. I sigh. "I'll have my men clean that. And yeah, call Alessio ask him to meet me at the car park." Again she smile sheepishly. "I, urm don't have his number." I rolled my eyes. "Aight." 

"Let me bring her to your car and start the first aid, you get your guy" She wink and I smirk wanting to see how she does. She carry her by her shoulder and wink at me before retrieving my car key from my pocket leaving me in utter shock. "What do they even eat?" I blink my eyes before run towards Alessio who has the pissed expression listening to Sean explaining shit to him. "Let's go shithead." I said while walking, Alessio follow right behind me. "How did you even leave her." I thought the same thing too, unlike both of us, Alessio is the most overprotective want. "It's V who politely asked for Al" he answer bitterly and I can feel amusement radiating from his tone. "Still doesn't sit right." I said while fastening my pace. "Right. Your girl's glare isn't something to play with. Funny, she's the first female that can make me piss my pants right at that minute." Sean and I burst out laughing and Alessio just scowled. "I know bro. I feel you. I had to avoid eye contact with her everytime she ask me shit." I said and it's true. If she didn't get what she want, things might get awful. 

"I'll take Q to my safe house." Sean said and I nod. After the stunt they pulled and from the things Q told me, I know and damn sure she needs protection. "Ale, follow me to my safe house. After Al treat V, then you take her to your safe house."

"Can I just crash at yours instead?" I rolled my eyes and nod. I start my car and drive to the safe house with Al sitting behind with V while stich her arm. Alessio is on the passenger seat beside me scrolling his phone. I keep glancing at V from my rear view mirror and I think Al noticed it. "Don't worry, she just pass out from the pain not from the blood lost. Usually she can bear this type of pain, I don't know why-" She paused for a while and her eyes went wide in realization. "Just a few stiches will be fine. And I didn't have any anesthestics with me right now. There's a higher chance she'll wake up with massive pain." I nod and continue my drive. 

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