Unfinished Poem #33

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This is just another sad poem
I can't deny that I've been needing one
The world is always at fault
And we did nothing
How did we do wrong?

And I've been thinking that when we thought
The world would break us, we weren't wrong
But it's just never been the world outside
And it kind of has me terrified

And I'm so sorry I can't find the time
Spend all my days over preoccupied
And I've been thinkin' 'bout how I'd react
If you were me and I was ghosted at
And I know I should try more
But I've been so caught in my own small shit that I can't see
That there's nothing around me here
But I've been trying really fuckin' hard not to try so hard
Really fuckin' hard just to let go
Really fuckin' hard not to try so hard
Realize I have nowhere left to go

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