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Tell me how you seek your man
And tell me all your secret spells
Tell me how you learn to tell by his voice that he fell

I know a ghost will walk through the walls
Yet I am just a man still learning how to fall

Try to re-imagine me and I'll re-invent myself
Still I remember scenes of when you looked at someone else

I know that ghosts can walk through walls
Yet I am just a man still learning how to fall

When you start doubting me then I start to doubt myself
And never look through me
Cause I'll keep close to myself

I am what I am and what I am is who I am
I know what I know and all I know is that I fell
If only I could walk through walls
Then maybe I would tell you who I was, yet I am just a man
Still learning how to fall
And I am just a man learning how to fall

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