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My friend once told me
She liked this guy because of his hands
And I found it absurd that anyone
Would develop feelings over one feature
And not care about the rest
It wasn't until you used your hands
To cup the back of my neck
And I could feel your firm grasp pull me closer
And my insides exploded
And my head buzzed with bliss

And the first night we slept over
You fell asleep with your hand
Laid over my stomach
And your fingers felt like fire

The first time we got drunk
Was the first time you played with my hair
And god was I hooked
I'd drink forever if it meant you'd never stop

And in public you'd hold my hand
And rub your thumb in little circles
That left me wanting more
No matter what we never let go
I was glued to you and honestly
I didn't mind
At all

When we talked about breaking up
You saw my lips quiver with fear
And you brushed over my lips with your fingers
Before pulling me into your lap
And kissing me like never before
With your hands on my hips
Pulling me so close to you
Leaving no space between us

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