A New Day: Part 3

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Man, what am I even doing here? I should be with my family right now. I should be checking on my friends. I-

I was pulled out of my thoughts by one of the most blood curdling screams I had ever heard.

"What the-"

Katjaa busted through the door to the house, which I didn't even know she was in as Lee passed me and Clementine going towards the sound. I was curious as to what was going on so I followed him.

"You need to stay her-"

I cut off the female. "No, I need to go help." I didn't even know what was happening, and I didn't know what I was gonna help with, but after thinking for a while I knew something was up with this world and I had to grow up.


Present time...

As I arrived at the scene, I thought to myself, What the fuck is he doing. The little boy was running over Shawn's leg with a damn tractor. But that was at the least of my worries. Just as fast as the little rescue group appeared, a few of the dead people appeared and clawed at the pair through the fence. One forcefully grabbed the boy by his shoulders, waiting to latch it's jaw onto his neck.

"Well, fuck."

Two more hungrily snatched up Shawn as he helplessly laid on the ground.

"Double fuck."

I had to make a decision. There were two helpless people right in front of me, yet I couldn't think with all of the noise that was present.

"KENNY! FUCK! HELP ME!" Shawn looked at Kenny pleadingly.

I guess Lee was still able to think because he ran over to Duck and started beating the ever-living-fuck out of the zombie that had him by his shoulders. With the help of Lee's actions, Shawn was now my top priority.

"Y/N, PLEASE, HELP ME!" He yelled with a pained expression.

He gave me the same look that was thrown at the red neck, whom I assumed was Kenny. After that, I just knew I had to save him. Duck was now in the hands of the red neck, who was only focused on the boy's safety.


I shook my head slightly. "Lee! Please! We need your help!" Without the help of Lee, I figured Shawn wouldn't make it.


Lee had no hesitation in mind and began to tug at the back of the tractor, but it was too late. The zombies broke through the fence and hastily dug their decaying teeth into the young man's body.


The zombies were still eating Shawn; They wouldn't stop. They just kept eating, and eating, and eating. Suddenly, I was pulled back into the embrace of a certain dark skinned man. Then I heard a gunshot, which was followed by another and another. I looked up to see that Herschel had slaughtered the dead people just as they did with his son.

The older man knelt down by the lifeless boy and checked him for any signs of life. "Get out." He turned to face us before rising from the ground. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE."

"I'm sorry." Kenny whispered. Shame and guilt had been planted across his face.

"SORRY? Your son is alive. You don't get to be sorry. And YOU." He looked at Lee. You didn't even try to help. Even the goddamn middle school girl did something!"

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