Long Road Ahead: Part 1

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"There should be a cover somewhere.." Flipping the walkie-talkie over, I spotted a rectangular casing on the back of the contraption. "Aha!"

I gently took the casing off of the device, before replacing the batteries with the new ones and putting the cover back on.

"There you go!" I handed Clementine her walkie-talkie.

"Wow, Y/n! You're so awesome! Thank you!"

"No problem!"

We were both interrupted from the sound of Lee's gruff voice.

"...Oh shit."

I turned around to see Lee and Carley hovering over a camcorder.

That didn't sound too good..


Present time...


I looked up from our make-shift table and saw Clementine running over to the group of two whom had just returned from a venture to get more supplies.

He's back. I smiled and waved at him, which he returned. Clementine came back to the pallet, where she took out a piece of paper and a pencil almost immediately.

"Whatcha doin'?" I asked out of curiosity whilst setting my chin in the palm of my hand.

"Just a leaf rubbing! I learned about it at school."

"Cool!" I fixed my eyes upon one of the motel rooms, which is where all of the adults in the group currently were.

They don't ever stop, do they? I sighed and shook my head in disapproval. Talk about being illogical..if we want to survive then Kenny and Lilly need to shut up, get along, or at least TRY to. And the fact that Kenny murdered her father in cold blood doesn't help at all.

"Hey, you two."

I snapped back to reality when I heard the one and only, Lee.

"Hey, Lee." Me and the younger girl responded.

The man then focused on the art piece Clementine was working on, as the novelty had piqued his interest.

"What's that you're working on, Clem?"

"It's called a leaf rubbing. My teacher Miss Moore showed us how to do 'em when we went to the Botanical Garden once." Clementine looked under her piece of paper before lifting it up and the leaf that was under it.

"See? It's the same! Uhm, kind of." She said sheepishly before setting them down.

"That's really something."

"I'll make one for you, too!"

Me and Lee smiled at her optimism before the man frowned.

"Do you two like it here?"

Clementine paused to think. "I don't LIKE it here."

"Yeah, me neither. I mean, it's not TOO bad..."

"Do either of you want to leave?"

Clementine was quick to ask another question. "Where are we going?"

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