Around Every Corner: Part 1

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"UGH!" Omid rolled over on the floorboards "No! Her! NOT ME!"

The train's speed began to pick up, and Christa disappeared into thin air.

"CHRISTA NO!!!! FUCK! You piece of shit! She's a woman! Don't you know-" Omid cut himself off as Christa climbed into the cart with the rest of the group.

"It's okay honey. I'm okay" She smiled.

"That... was a LOT... of them."

"Are you hurt?" The small female asked Lee.

"No, we're okay."

Omid glared at the dark-skinned man. "Speak for yourself, my leg is fucked.

"We're fine, Clementine. We're fine." Christa corrected.


Present time...

We left the train behind. At the time Savannah wasn't too far from us and now we're here in the heart of it. The group was still exploring the novelty and Clementine would stop every few minutes to get a closer look at the buildings. Kenny hadn't recovered from the previous deaths, Omid's leg was way worse, and everybody was once again on edge. Kenny and Lee more so. It was like they had seen something everyone else hadn't. 

"Can't I just hold it?" 

"Not now, Clementine. Maybe later, okay?"


Clementine had been asking for her walkie talkie ever since we made it to Savannah, so I assumed that was what she was asking for now. 

Maybe that thing has something to do with why Kenny and Lee have been acting a certain way. 

"How's Omid?" Lee asked Christa.

"His leg's pretty bad."

"I'm fine." Omid defended.

"You're not fine, you need to rest. He needs to rest." Christa glanced back at Lee.

"Kenny, how much farther to the river front?" Lee looked at Kenny.

"Should be just a few more blocks up ahead."

"And there'll be boats there?" Christa asked

"There sure as hell better be." Lee responded.

"There'll be boats. Have to be. Have to be..." The depressed redneck trailed off.

"It's going to be okay. Kenny knows what he's doing" Ben reassured.

Sure Ben, sure...

As if everyone wasn't on edge enough, a sudden, loud, ringing noise rang through the grey atmosphere.

"What the hell...?" Ben muttered.

"Maybe this city's not so dead after all..." Christa said.

"Keep moving. No-one's ringing that bell, it's automatic, on a timer." Kenny claimed.

Lee slowly rose his arm and glanced at his watch. "What kind of church bell goes off at twenty past the hour?"

No one answered the man's rhetorical question. We all stood around for a minute before Lee shouted at a nearby building.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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