Starved For Help: Part 6

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Lee looked at Lilly with sorrow, before hearing a revenge filled Kenny in the distance muttering a "Yeah. This is good."

"Shit. He's gonna get us all killed. Stay here. Take care of Lilly, okay?"

"We will." Clementine said with a nod and that was the last we heard of Lee as he walked out of the door.

"So, Lilly.." The woman turned. "I'm not gonna lie, I didn't like Larry all that much..."

The sorrowful woman's gaze turned cold.

"BUT I don't think he deserved what happened to him, and I never will think like that. Kenny on the other hand.." I let out a sigh. "He wasn't thinking straight."

"I know he wasn't." Lilly finally managed to mutter out a word.

We all sat in complete silence and suspense after that. Everyone of us wondered if Lee and Kenny were gonna be okay. Our question was answered though, when a nearby gunshot could be heard.

Present time...

We shot our heads towards the opened door.

"What the hell?!?

"What if Lee's hurt?"

"Shit! We need to check it out! Kenny's there too, so if Lee's hurt, he might be as well!" The dark haired woman said one last goodbye to her long gone father, and made her way to me and Clementine.

"Can you run?" Lilly looked at me with a questioning gaze.

"Y-Yeah, I think."

"Good. Let's go!"

With that, we exited the room in a rush and entered the next. As I threw myself into the following room, I found myself almost gagging from a strong, metallic smell.

"What in the-"

"No time for questions! Search the area for anything useful!"

Me and Clementine nodded before searching the blood-stained room. As I hurriedly checked any drawers or cabinets that could be found, I also checked out the room itself. In the corner there was some sort of tub built out of tile, and of course it was also bloodied. Other than that there were two more tables. As I finished up checking the cabinets and drawers, I made my way over to one of the tables where a useful looking weapon sat on top.

"Lilly! Look!"

The woman trotted over to where I was. She studied the sickle-like weapon before capturing it in her hand.

"Nice find! Here, something a little more your size." She handed me a blood-soaked but sharp steak knife.

"What about me?" The smaller girl questioned as she appeared next to us.

"You'll be fine, I won't let anything happen to you." I shot her a smile which was returned.

"Okay, let's move out!" We broke into a sprint and barged through the once locked door, revealing a crazy-eyed Danny holding Lee at gunpoint.

"Stay back!" She whispered to us as she sprinted towards the two. As me and Clementine watched, Lilly landed a hit on Danny with the sickle, then landed another. The rage filled woman shoved the brother off of her weapon, causing the man to fall back and catch his leg onto a generously placed bear trap.

"Ack!" The man struggled to break his leg free as Lee regained his composure.

Then, a stall door opened to reveal a crimson-stained Kenny. Lee looked at him in disbelief as Kenny stared back at him full of shame. The silence between the two was broken when a feminine scream could be heard.

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