Long Road Ahead: Part 2

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"Please, let's just get back in the RV." Ben asked with a sense of eagerness.

"That's not happening."

Those words snapped something in Carley. I could see it on her face. she gritted her teeth and squinted her eyes at her enemy. Lilly had pushed people around too much, and Carley just wasn't gonna put up with it anymore.

"You think you're some tough bitch, don't you? Like nothing can hurt you, but you're just a scared little girl. Get the fuck over it. Take a page from Lee's book and try helping somebody for once."

Oh no..

This wasn't your average cat fight, and it sure as hell wasn't the normal world anymore. If you put two and two together, then you'd figure something was definitely about to go down. The look on Lilly's face proved it and the way she was standing did too.

Kenny stomped the walker's head in, and came towards our direction causing the group to face him. I quickly turned back to Lilly, as I didn't trust her in the shape she was in. I watched as she slowly reached into her back pocket. The darkness wasn't helping my vision, but I soon figured out what was about to happen.

"CARLEY-" A loud pop cut off my warning and as Carley turned around, the bullet from Lilly's gun pierced straight through Carley's skull.

Her blood splattered everywhere, staining everything, including me and the vision of my hands. The feeling of failure growing and the betrayal of the perished surrounded me. 

At that moment, every aspect of me changed.


Present time...

Lilly stood in silence with her hand still pointing the gun in the same direction. After a moment, she came back to reality and realized what she had done. Lee on the other hand took a moment to regain his composure and was quick to disarm the woman. 

"DROP IT." Lee pinned her against the RV with her hand on either side of her head. He jerked Lilly's armed hand before she let the weapon slowly slide out of her grasp. The rest of us had gathered around Carley's dead body in utter shock at what just happened.

"Holy fuck.." Kenny muttered.

"KENNY, what's happening?!" Katjaa's worried voice could be heard from the RV. 

"Keep Duck away from the windows! Jesus CHRIST!" He stepped over the lifeless body and towards the pair. "GET IN. We're leaving this crazy bitch!"

Lee took some time and stared at the "Crazy Bitch" as he processed his thoughts.

"Why. Why Lilly?" He slowly let go of Lilly. "You're not coming with us." Fear spread across the broken woman's face.

"But I'll die out here." She pointed towards the darkness that crept around every inch of the area.

"I don't care."

"You're a murderer, Lilly. We can't have you with us." Kenny commented.

"Murderer? Lee's killed before and I forgave him. You've killed before and I'll forgive YOU. You both know we do what we-"

"Bullshit you will. You've been planning to get me this entire time." The redneck cut off Lilly.

"I was trying to protect all of us. I don't have anything left."

"Get in Lee. Let's go you guys."

Lee and Kenny made up their minds as soon as Carley was shot. The pleading that Lilly carried out didn't change their minds in the slightest. Lee's potential lover and someone Kenny deemed fit to protect his family had just been killed. And on top of that, that same person who killed was a dick to them for the most part. 

ApocalypseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon