Starved For Help: Part 7

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"The main gate is too dangerous, go around the fence and see if there's a back way in. We'll keep looking for Kenny. Do you have a weapon? "

"I don't leave home without it." She said confidently as she loaded a magazine into the pistol.

"I'm glad someone's always strapped!" I shot a smug smirk towards the woman.

She shook her head before speaking again. "Ben, stick close. And you two, be careful."

With that, we went our separate ways, me and Lee slowly inching our way towards the house.

"Stay close."

"You got it."

As we made our way through another gate, we faintly heard Katjaa pleading for God knows why.

"No, please God, NO!"


Present time...

"Just shut up and he'll be fine!" There was a slight pause in Brenda's voice as we continued our journey.

"Something's up. I'm gonna take the boy and check around back." Andy said calmly.

"No, please, don't take my boy!!"

"Let go, woman!"

"Settle down. I don't wanna hurt ya'll."

As we began making our way up the steps to the porch, the mother, Brenda, appeared in the doorway.

"Andy? Danny, is that you? What's going on out there?" Neither of us responded, leaving Brenda slightly frightened. "Oh God..."

Me and Lee arose from our crouching position, getting in a more suitable stance.

"Come here..."

"Let me go!"

As we approached the screened door, we saw Brenda hold Katjaa hostage.


"Get back! Don't come in here!"

Lee ignored the older woman, and opened the door to the house.

"You just HAD to go snooping around, didn't you?!"

"Let her go, Brenda!"

We entered the house and Brenda let out a desperate cry.

"Please don't ya'll take another step!"

We both slowed our pace, but continued to get closer to the pair.

"Brenda, come on, now, you know you don't want to do this."

"Yeah, especially with a child in sight!"

"Just go away and leave us be!"

This woman's crazy! Guess it runs in the family..

Both me and Lee continued to close the space in between us and the other pair.

"Stop right there! I mean it!"

"Think of your husband, Brenda! Would he have wanted his Dairy to turn into a...a slaughterhouse??!"

It was silent for a while before the older woman backed herself up the stairs.

"I'll kill her, Lee!"

"Don't do this..." Katjaa pleaded.

We picked up our pace again, startling Brenda as she made her way further up the stairs.

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