Long Road Ahead: Part 5

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The two strangers shared some looks and a quiet conversation before returning their vision to the group.

"You guys got a problem with your train?" The unfamiliar man asked.

"Yeah, you're standing right in front of it."

As if it couldn't have been more obvious..

"Dude, it's a wreck. It's not so bad from up here. Send your buddy up to have a look." The man gestured towards Lee. Before Lee could comply, Kenny stopped him as he raised his hand in front of Lee.

"Anything goes sideways up there, we won't let them escape."

The two shared a look and Lee approached the ladder that led to the pair of strangers.

"If I come up here, you better not be murderers or thieves."

"I guess you'll have to find out."


Present time...

That statement made Lee think. Are they trustworthy? And of course he knew the answer to that was no. But, he couldn't help to think about what might happen if we didn't get this train moving. So, with a sigh and a shake of his head, Lee began to climb the ladder until he was at the top of the bridge and almost out of our sight. I turned to Kenny with a pool of anxiety forming in my stomach.

"Kenny.. I don't like this.."

He began to speak without lifting his gaze from the ground. "Me either, Y/n. But we gotta trust Lee. He's been the one to make all the calls lately, and he's saved our skin plenty of times."

"I know. It's just..those people seem somewhat normal. How often do you see ANYTHING normal??"

"I get what you're trying to say, and I completely agree with you. But as I said, we're alive because of this man.." Slowly Kenny lifted his head and my eyes met with his. "I trust Lee with my life."

The way he glared at me, the tone of his voice and how confidently he said what he said, it sent chills down my spine.

"Y-Yeah, me too."

After our conversation I felt like something was missing. Something that usually clings to my side the majority of the time. Or rather someone.. My eyes widened when I realized what was missing.

"CLEMENTINE." I began searching the area frantically. "Shit! Where is she?! Wait a damn minute.." I stared at the bridge above me and listened to the voices that were coming from up there intently. One of them was Clem's.

Of course. I internally face palmed. If Clem's not with me, then she's with Lee. Why, or more like HOW did I not come up with that conclusion faster.

Eventually Lee and Clem, plus the other two people, came down from above. They all approached us with a slow and calm walk, careful not to cause anyone to draw their weapon. Once everyone was settled, the pair began introducing themselves.

"Guys, this is Omid and Christa."

Our group, including me, gave 'Omid' and 'Christa' a glare and eyed them as if we were ready for any trick they wanted to pull.

"Not big on welcomes..." Omid rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

Lee looked at him and shrugged. "Like I said, we could use some good people."

"We just wanted to say hi, and say your train is pretty cool."

"But we're not looking for charity." Christa interrupted.

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