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"I need to go visit some other patients." I whisper to Karl and place a kiss at the top of his head.

It's currently 2 am, clay swore on his life he wouldn't fall asleep but here he is, laying his head on George's bed, his face stained with tears as he snores quietly.

"Okay. When will you be back?" His tired eyes look up at mine.

"Im not sure, maybe an hour. Do you want to go home or stay here?"

"I'm staying. You can go home if you want." He kisses the palm of my hand.

I nod at him as I walk out. "I'll be back soon, you can sleep if you want to."

I walk out the room and shut the door behind me.

We're in a huge hospital, I don't know my way around here but I'll eventually find some people I know.

All the people on this floor are with us. I'd say about 70 people are here right now.

Most went back to their own houses to see their parents or partners. They can't go back to their rooms in the state the building is in right now.

It's all a fucking mess.

I hired a lot of people to clean it and fix the broken glasses overnight. it will probably take longer than one night, but atleast they have started already.

Karl said I should've went there to check it out, or to help or something, but I don't trust myself with the wheel at 2 am.

As my footsteps make so much noise in the quiet and empty building, I spot a light coming out of a room.

Some people are awake. Finally.

I quietly approach them and look into the room, to see 4 people.

Aaliyah immediately sees me and waves to me, causing all heads to turn.

Ana is standing up at the foot of the bed, laughing at a joke her sister cracked.

She's sitting next to the bed, with a boy, who id say is about 15.

There's a thick bandage wrapped around his leg. He doesn't seem to be tired or in pain, none of them do.

"Hey." I whisper quietly as I enter the room and knock on the door lightly with my knuckle. "Can I come in?"

"Of course." Ana smiles at me. "Also, uh, can you close that door?"

I do as she says and enter the room. "How are you guys holding up?"

"Breaking a leg is more fun that I thought it would be." The boy says with a thick accent and laughs at his own little joke, making Aaliyah smack him on the head sarcastically.

I walk up to him and ruffle his hair. "You're a strong one, big man." He smiles awkwardly and blushes. "If you don't mind me asking, how do you guys know each other?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Oh yes, right." Ana starts. "This is my brother Viktor and that's my sister, Evelyn. We all call her eve."

I shake Evelyn's hand. "We've already met a few times before. Thank you for helping us out there."

"No big deal." She takes my hand and smiles kindly. "Glad I helped."

"How's George?" Aaliyah butts in.

"He's been sleeping since like," I think for a second, "I don't know, like eight?"

"I wish I could sleep that long." Viktor says overdramatically.

"Then go to fucking sleep, dumbass." I push his head onto the pillow, forgetting that he was injured for a second. I let out a sigh of relief when he starts laughing.

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