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"Why do you want us to be there in first place?" I ask over the phone, chewing on my food, not bothered in the tiniest bit.

"Stop asking so many questions, you'll all be there in fifteen minutes and that's final."

"And if we're not there?"

"I'll have guards drag your asses down here." He threatens. "Don't try me, aiden."

"Fuck you." I roll my eyes as I hang up, Cleo looking at me in curiosity.

"What does he want?" She crosses her arms, the others more interested in this conversation once she says that.

I just shrug, brushing it off. "He wants to see us or something, probably not that big of a deal."

"I don't want to get beaten up or dragged." Asher laughs nervously. "I'm going, I don't know about you guys."

"Is nobody worried?" Viktor suddenly asks. "I mean, something could have happened."

"When was the last time Nicholas Armstrong asked to see any of us for something that's actually important?" Zak rolls his eyes, not looking away from his phone.

Ela laughs at Zachary, rolling her eyes at him with a smile on her face.

"I think we should go." I say. "You can stay if you want to, I'm going."

"I guess I'm going too." Viktor shrugs.

"Same, I don't want to die just because I was too scared to go and face aiden's brother. Too risky." Asher lets out a nervous laugh.

"I wanna know if something happened." Cleo shrugs.

"I'm only going for Cleo." Ela puts both her arms up in the air.

We all suddenly turn to Zachary, as he stands like a statue with a bothered look on his face, rolling his eyes at all of us. "Fuck you guys." He gets up. "Leave, I'll change."

I turn back to them, nodding my head to the door. "We'll see eachother there in a few minutes."

They all say their short goodbyes, I shut the door behind the group as they all walk out of our room.

I turn to Zachary, who's glaring at me like he expects something from me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"I thought I told you to leave?" He turns away, snatching something from his closet and throwing it onto his bed.

"I have to leave too, now?" I laugh quietly. "I didn't know that rule also applied to me."

He rolls his eyes, not taking me seriously. "Look away." He reaches for the bottom of his shirt, pulling it off his head and turning right back to face me once again.

He shakes his head when he realises I haven't turned away, but smirks when he turns back around, a smirk I see in the mirror, a smirk that I don't think I was supposed to see in first place.

I turn around awkwardly, shuffling through my own closet for something simple. Not like we're going on a mission or something, it's probably something unnecessary.

I look back from the mirror, Zachary is now fully dressed and he jumps back onto his bed, going back to whatever he was doing.

He's wearing almost the exact same thing, he only changed just so he doesn't sleep in the clothes he went out with.

Zak is picky about that sort of stuff, you would never see him wearing the same clothes two days in a row. He'd never last 2 days without showering.

He wasn't like this before, none of us were. We didn't have a place to stay or even have enough water to shower about once a week or something.

A Match Made in HellWhere stories live. Discover now