1: Finding a job

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Great, I just love getting rejected from getting a job after the last 9 times. Who knew finding a job could be so hard? I can't blame them though, i have No talents. There's nothing i can do without ruining stuff, I wouldn't wanna hire me either. After all, i am just a talentless nobody.

No, I can't give up all hope.. Maybe i have a chance? I do infact have a interview to go to at a restaurant, maybe their willing to hire me? Yeah, Maybe! Ahh, who am i kidding? From what ive seen, it's more of a fancy restaurant, and let's face it, i am NOT fancy. Neither am i British.


I arrived at the restaurant. 8 minutes Late. I went into this Very Fancy restaurant to meet my date. I-I mean boss. In his office. As i start to knock on his front door, i see a girl with purple hair running out the office in tears, geuss she was fired. Yeah i don't stand a chance. I started to think rather i should knock or wak away.. AH what the heck. 'Knock, Knock, Knock'

as the door to my bosses office, i start getting pretty anxous, "Oh, hello. you must be here for hiring? Come in" He said, opening the door more so i could come inside, I must say, DAMN HE'S HOT, He was wearing a white suit, and had his hair in a ponytail, like the photo above. Though, he's my, well, possible boss.

I walked inside his office, and he then sat me down, I geuss this is where the interview starts? "Any past experience working at any other place?" He asks. "Nope" I stare right into his eye, I'm not sure why. "Any experience with cooking?" He asks. "Nope." "any experience with cleaning?" he asks once again "Nope" I paused for a bit. "Ah, so inexperienced. interesting" Yeah, i'm not getting this job.

"What are you looking forward to working here?" he asks. "I dunno, free food?" I say, half kidding. I hear him chuckle a bit, "been there, Hey, are you single?" He asks. "Don't know how that's relevant, but yeah" "Hah, i like you, your hired" He says. "W- Wait, really!?" "Mhm, but wait, can i get your number?" he asks "Sure"


I get back home, Happy that i was FINALLY hired, honestly, i expected to get rejected, I'm suprised that he hired me, maybe i can ask him out on a date? WAIT NO HE'S MY BOSS, plus i don't really even know him yet. I hear my phone go off

Boss: Hey, Hajime?

Hajime: Oh yeah! hi! Uh, thanks for hiring me, hah, Didn't expect it!

Boss: Hm, geussing you don't get hired very often?

Hajime: haha, tell me about it, I'm not very good with being "proper"

Boss: Indeed, you aren't "proper" at all, That's just what i love about you..

Hajime: hehe, if i'm being honest, I'm not very good at.. well, anything, not even math, i couldn't figure out what 1+1 was until 5th grade lol

Boss: hah, please, i could solve any division in KINDERGARDEN.


Boss: I was a straight A student in every grade. The only thing i was bad at is failing


Boss: Your humor is another thing i love about you~

Hajime: i mean we just met, but sure we can smash/j

Boss: Well then, i expect you at my office at 9 ;), anyways, i gotta go now, buh-bye, Love~

Hajime: bye daddy/j


I turn off my phone, I love fridays.

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