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Nagito stood up from the bed. "I'm uh, gonna take a shower, okay?" Nagito ascked. "O-Oh! Okay" . After Nagito finished taking his shower, I went in and put on my clothes. "Oh? aren't you gonna stay longer?" Nagito said as i was about to leave. "Do you want me to stay?" I asked. "Indeed" Nagito nodded, giving me a kiss. " I suggest we get some sleep, hm?" He added. "Y-Yeah" I said. "Hajime, I love you" Nagito said. "O-oh i.. Huh?!" I said, as Nagito chuckled. "Your adorable~" Nagito said

We both went to sleep after Nagito washed the sheets


When i woke up, i found myself in Nagito's arms. "mmmNagito" I said, tired. Nagito was already awake before me on his phone. "Morning, Hajime. Karumi's making you breakfest" Nagito said, stroaking my hair. "What about you?" I asked. "I already ate, plus i'm not really hungery.." Nagito said. "Are you sure your not just saying that?" I asked. "Lets go, i'm sure Karumi's finished." Nagito said. "Aww, don't give me that look" Nagito said as a frowned. "Fine" I said, looking to the side.

We both went downstairs to the dining room. I started smelling bacon and eggs, a clasic breakfest. Nagito and i both sat down as karumi gave me my plate. "I'd love to be your maid.." I blurted out by accident. "Oh?" Nagito said with a smirk on his face." Are you sure your not hungery?" I asked. "It's fin- mm" Nagito said as i stuffed bacon in his mouth. "Alright, alright fine" Nagito sighed in defeat. "Hajime" Nagito said. "Yes, Nagito?" "Can i be your boyfreind?" Nagito asked. "O-OH! YES" i said.

Once we both finished, we started heading to work. "Nagito?" I said. "Yes, love?" Nagito said, smiling. "I love you" "I love you too~"

-The end-

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