5; 𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒

521 17 31


I didn't really feel like going to work today, but i got my ass up and took a shower, skipping breakfest, as always, infact, i don't renember the last time i ate breakfest.. Or lunch.. Or dinner.. Gosh, i should eat more often, i don't wanna end up as a stick

Nothing new was really happening at work, I was surving costermers, being socialy awkward, nothing new so far. "YOU PIECE OF SH*T, NEXT TIME YOU FUCKING ORDER SOMETHINF, ORDER IT RIGHT!" I hear a familer voice yell, i turned around a few tables away, and there was junko, throwing a chocolate milkshake at someone. Daammmnn, I wonder if the milkshake is still dinkable.

I went to go to up to the table to see if there was a problem, which was probably gonna end up as a bad idea. "Hey, is something wrong?" I asked, Calmly  "I'm so glad that the manager is here," there were two girls, one with purple hair, the one that probably got fired when i first came her, and a small girl with two large banna shaped pony tails. "actually, i'm not the-" "S-s-so i g-geuss i-i o-ordered a-a m-milkshake, b-but i-i m-ment  t-t-to order  a s-salad..." the purpled hair girl said

"How did you get a milkshake and a salad mixed up, dumbass" Said the girl with yellow hair. "Well, i'm not the manager.. but i can get him if you want.." I said. she nodded, so i went to get Nagito


"hey, Nagito, sorry for not knockin, but basically, a girl ordered a milkshake, but i geuss she didn't mean to, so when Junko brought the milkshake the girl said that she changed her mind and then junko through the milkshake at her, then calling her a peice of shit, so ya might wanna see this" I said "I swear, i should fire her." Nagito said


All so and so were done, so i went home, and then texted Nagito, cuz why the hell not, That one purple haired girl never got her salad.. me personally, i wouldn't let that slide so easily.

Hajime: hey, Nagito, Wanna come over? I have homemade cake ;)

Nagito: OOooh, i like that sound of that ;)

Hajime: Good, i expect you in 10 seconds, bye :)

Nagito: Bet


It was pretty convinent that 10 seconds later, Nagito was outside my door. "Wow, i didn't know that you would actually come 10 seconds later" I said, suprised. " Well, i'd like to have a slice of that cake~" Nagito said, sexualy, grabbing me by my waist. "read the whole bible in japanese, maybe i'll let you get a taste" I said

"天と地の創造まだ何もなかった時、神は天と地を造りました。 2地は形も定まらず、闇に包まれた水の上を、さらに神の霊が覆っていました。「光よ、輝き出よ。」神が言われると、光がさっとさしてきました それを見て、神は大いに満足し、光と闇とを区別しました。しばらくの間、光は輝き続け、やがて、もう一度闇に覆われました。神は光を「昼」、闇を「夜」と名づけました。こうして昼と夜ができて、一日目が終わりました。「もやは上下に分かれ、空と海になれ」と神が言われると、 7-8そのとおり水蒸気が二つに分かれ、空ができました。こうして二日目も終わりました。「空の下の水は集まって海となり、乾いた地が現れ出よ。」こう神が言われると、そのとおりになりました。神は乾いた地を「陸地」、水の部分を「海」と名づけました。それを見て満足すると、 また言われました。「陸地には" Nagito said. "I can continue, if you want~" he said. "HOLY SHIT I DIDNT THINK YOU'D ACTUALLY DO IT"  "My parents just so happened to live in jaban and be cristian" Nagito said

"fine, then" I said.


A/N: can Someone translate that? i have no idea what that says- well, most of it

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