3; First day

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"Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty" I heard a voice shake me awake, "No, it's still sunday.." I said sleepishly, turning the other way. "Geuss again, you should get a calendar, it's monday" Nagito said, getting up from the bed, "don't you have a job?" Nagito asked, "i'll be in the shower, if you need me"

Instead of doing what i should do; Getting up and getting ready for work for the first day, i stuffed my face into a pillow, and then went back to sleep.


"Hajime..." Nagito said, sounding kinda disapointed, "C'mon, you have to get ready.." He shook me awake, "i'll stay in this bed until my dad comes back, which i bet you isn't gonna be anytime soon.. or ever" I joked. "Right, that's basically begging to get fired."  "Fine" I got up


If i'm being honest i totally forgot i had a job as a waiter, I know i don't have any talents, but this should be pretty easy, Right? I put on my uniform, and it was time to start working. I walked up to one of the tables who seemed to be ready to order, though, right as i was about to walk u to said table, i turned around to a smaller table who also were ready to order.


After i took a few orders, my shift was over. "Wasn't as hard as my sistum said it would be" I said to myself, "I mean, sure i kept on studering and stuff and was being Judged but it wasn't that bad... Who am i talking to?"  "Hey, Hajime, nice first day" Nagito sudenly came out of nowhere and said. "I was very much cut out for this, thank you very much" I said as a joke. "Yeah, exept how you kept s-s-s-studering" Nagito said, mocking me. 

I went home after a long day, jumped on my bed to lay down, and went to sleep, wondering what i'm going to do with my life

Yes, Boss! {Komahina}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن