4; ℍ𝕖𝕣.

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I didn't really sleep as good as i selp when i was with Nagito, speaking of Nagito, the reason why i couldn't sleep well was because i stayed up all night thinking about him, i couldn't get him out of my head, but now that i'm up, i should get ready to go to work.


When i was walking up to the placw i work, i saw Nagito with a strawbarry-blond haird with two pony tails girl, Maybe his girlfriend? "Ah, Hey, Hajime, This is junko, your new co-worker!" Nagito said. "Ah, hello, junko, nice to meet you" I put my hand out for her to shake, but instead she just waved. "Isn't she amazing?" Nagito asked, "well, she hasn't said anything yet..."

"Oh, Nagito, may i speak to Hajime alone?" Junko asked, "Sure" Nagito left, "Hey, i know i shouldn't really worry about this because your a guy and all, But i say this to everyone, I Love Nagito, so stay atleats 30 feet away from him, or i'll slit your throught open, no hesitation, Got it?" She asked, "I mean i don't really mind dying, and i hate to break it to you, but if ya kill me you'd be in jail, soooo" But when i said that, junko slapped me so hard, it left a mark for a bit, "Do you really wanna test that theory?" She asked "Nope..."


My shift was over, and i could Finally go home, I saw junko and Nagito walking to junko's hous together, then I got kinda jelious, It's not like i have a crush on Nagito though, Right? Even if i did, It's not like he'd ever like me... Plus, he's my boss.

I couldn't stop thinking about Nagito and Junko, so i texted Nagito

Hajime: Hey, Nagito, Is junko, like, your girlfriend or something?

Nagito: Mehhh, More of ex-girlfriend

Hajime: Oh, so you guys used to date? why'd you break up?

Nagito: Ah, well, she was cheating on me, plus i never really loved her, But my parents really liked her, so the made me date her, and we never really kissed or anything...

Hajime: Do you stillll, like herrr?

Nagito: God no, when i said "isn't she amazing?" i was being sarcastic

Hajime: Ah, well i'm pretty sure she still likes you

Nagito: What  makes you think that?

Hajime: Well, where do i start? She threatend me to stay away from you, she took you to her house..

Hajime: AND OH, and not to mention that she told me that she loves you

Nagito: She did? Well, to bad for her, i already like someone else

Hajime: Who?

Nagito: I'm not gonna tell you that easily, Find out for yourself ;)  


I turn off my phone to go to sleep, who is it that Nagito likes?

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