6; Sunday night

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me and Nagito went to go watch a movie and eat pizza instead because i wanted the last slice of chocolate cake to myself.. It's just so darn good, it took a while to find a movie, but we found one called The Black Phone. Not really important, but there was peperoni, sasage, and bacon pizzas, don't ask why i got so many, but if you do it's because i do what i waanntt.

The movie ended, but we didn't stop there, It was a Sunday night, so we had work tomarrow, So it wasn't gonna be that long, so me and Nagito invited a few people we knew to watch another movie, there was still alot of pizza, more to go around

We decided to keep it small and only invite 1 or 2 people (mostly because if there were more people, id forget  to give them dialog) i invited kazuichi; my only friend, Nagito invited two people, one called chiaki and the other one, Junko, not sure why he invited her, maybe that's who he likes...

they finally arrive, and Sunday night continues, "Hey, hey, i know a movie about a father who sees his wife get murdered and his son becomes disabled and then the son gets kidnapped, and the father doesn't want to loose the only memory of his wife, so he goes out looking for his son" Chiaki said, "ooh, What's it called?" junko asked. "Finding nemo"

"Isn't that movie for kids or somthing?" kazuichi asked. "Oh, i found a movie called wednesday, should i keep looking orr" Nagito asked, "nah, maybe like more of a horror movie or something" junko said. "We are gonna be here for a loonnnggg time" I said

after 10 minutes or so, we finally decided on a movie, which turned out to suck, i'm not gonna say any names, it was a romance movie and it was ASS, we all fell asleep in like 20 minutes of watching it.


A/N: i took saterday and sunday off, cuz i'm clueless on what to wirte soooo, any ideas?

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