Chapter: 8

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16th November 2022

Tyler pov

I wasn’t shocked to see Levi here. She is one of my regular hook ups.

When I don't give women attention that they crave they would come looking for me. The thought made me smirk.

The first encounter she had with Ms. Ali was one to watch on, someone passed me a cup of coffee.

Levi remarked about Ziya being the only eligible human I could have found. I deliberately didn't address her with respect because I wanted to get on her nerves just to see if she would give me a fitting reply also. For some reason I was enjoying the commotion.

I saw hurt written on Ms. Ali face. I so badly wanted to do something but me being me wouldn't dare have sympathy for her. Levi criticized Ziya but that only angered her more and she used every opportunity to shot right back at her.

I like having Levi around but after Ziya left I asked her to leave.

If you asked me I don’t know why. I just carried on with my work.

A few days later

The first task that is assigned to Ms. Ali is delivering my morning coffee. As soon as she steps foot out of my office I would average when she arrives in hers and I would ring her up for my second cup.

I know she would probably be thinking why I couldn't have asked for two cups instead of one but as you all know promised to make her stay here as my PA not an easy task since my mom forced me to hired her.

I honestly enjoy having her walking these hallways It feels so good to ordered her around and around. That have been one of my doings for the past few days!

Later that Day

I rang her up for a cup of coffee and it's almost 25 minutes later and she still haven't arrived. Who the hell takes 25 minutes to get a cup coffee unless she had to grow the coffee beans and harvested it herself. That's the only possible reason for her lateness I angrily thought.

While I’m patiently screw that impatiently awaits, Elle came and informed about the incident on her way in otherwise I would have threatened to fire her if she didn't have a good reason for being late.

Ms. Ali fearfully entered so before she could have explained I just shushed her up. Relief was written across her face. For some reason I smiled looking at her all happy on my way out of the office. Can someone tell me again why was I happy??

I was expecting her to show up with her coffee stained shirt because I demanded her to attend the meeting but I was beyond shocked when she timidly walked in wearing one of my shirt. O my, I must admit the shirt suited her so well as it complemented her skin tone. The way she was tugging at my shirt was so cute.

What's wrong with me? The fudge?

Why the hell am I overjoyed Ms. Ali is wearing my shirt?? Maybe it's the lack of sleep my brains started to malfunction.

Taking her seat beside me I used the opportunity to taunt her in a low voice. I know she was uncomfortable because she looked as if she wanted to run as far away from me. I let out a low chuckle then cleared my throat and proceeded with the meeting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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